Farmaindustria joins ‘Gaia-X’, an initiative that will promote the use of data in different sectors

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Farmaindustria has joined as promoter and participant in the Gaia-X project, a European public-private initiative that has the support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Government of Spain and whose objective is to support the European response in terms of the use of data shared across different sectors and countries of the EUfollowing a common model that guarantees trust and digital sovereignty.

The initiative Gaia-X It will be deployed in different EU Member States through 15 national hubs, including Spain. Our country aspires to lead data spaces in strategic sectors such as health or tourism. Farmaindustria will be integrated into the Health group within the Spanish initiative, which aims to promote a common space in the cloud of health data throughout Europe in order to improve health care for citizens.

The constituent assembly of the association Gaia-X Spain was celebrated this Friday in the city of Talavera of the Queen (Toledo)with the participation of more than 150 entities, including companies, public administrations, research organizations and universities.

Sharing health data is essential today for health systems. With the use of this data and the subsequent measurement of the results we can be more effective

Currently, thanks to big data and artificial intelligence techniques, the sharing of health data is a decisive element to improve the quality of health care for citizens. “Sharing health data is essential for health systems today. With the use of this data and the subsequent measurement of the results, we can be more effective both in the disease diagnosis as in the choice of the best treatment for each person, which means gaining in efficiency and buying time from the disease”, explains Javier Urzay, deputy director general of Farmaindustria and representative of the Association at the inauguration this Friday.

Nadia Calviño, Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, participated in the presentation.

In addition, in the field of research, the common use of health data will also contribute to the optimization of the R&D process. “We will be able to reduce times both with the simulation of the trials and with the recruitment of patients, which is essential in the face of an activity that is increasingly costly and difficult. Today, research into a new drug costs around €2.5 billion and the process lasts an average of 10 years”, he adds. “This common data space must therefore lead to higher profit for patients,” says Urzay.

Guarantee for patients

Health data is generated in large volumes and from different sources, ranging from medical records to clinical trials of new drugs or the mobile devices of patients themselves. Current technology not only allows us to analyze all this data to apply it to improving healthcare and therapeutic advances, but to do so with all the guarantees of protection for patients.

Precisely in this line of guarantee is framed the recently approved code of conduct for data protection in clinical trials and pharmacovigilance, promoted by Farmaindustria and which has been the first sectoral code of conduct approved by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection since the entry into force of the Data Protection Regulation. The new Farmaindustria code represents a step forward in protecting the data of patients who participate in clinical drug trials and will serve to strengthen pharmacovigilance and clinical research, an area in which Spain is an international benchmark.

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