Israel voted in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution on the evolving humanitarian crisis in Ukraine

by time news

Israel voted in favor of a resolution at the UN General Assembly expressing deep concern at the emerging humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and condemning the Russian attack on Ukraine

In a vote held in recent hours at the UN General Assembly in New York, Israel, together with 89 countries, will resolve a decision that expresses great concern about the humanitarian crisis that is developing in Ukraine following the Russian attack against it.

The 140-state decision condemns the Russian offensive, and calls for an end to civilian violence, an end to violence and a return to the negotiating table in order to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis. The decision also expresses great concern about the emerging humanitarian crisis in the country and calls for the delivery of humanitarian aid by the countries of the world.

In accordance with this position, Israel transfers extensive humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Just this week, an Israeli field hospital was deployed in Ukraine, which already treats hundreds of civilians. In the first week of the war, Israel sent unprecedented 100 tons of humanitarian aid.

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