young people back on the streets for the climate

by time news

As usual, the young climate protesters drowned their concern in fantasy and irony. “Mom, I dry like the planet”, “The more degrees, it’s better in the bottle” : thousands of high school and university students took out their placards in some fifty cities in France on Friday March 25 to denounce a government that “chooses to accentuate ecological and social disasters” and ask “a sustainable and just society for all”.

They marched during a day of international strike for the climate, at the call of Fridays for Future, the movement launched by the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. A first for a year in the country – the strike will continue on Saturday.

“It’s scary to think that it’s now or never if we want to avoid the worst climatic disasters, but that we do nothing”deplores Garance Bussy, 18, in the Parisian procession, which brought together 7,000 people, according to the organizers. “Especially after the IPCC report [Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat] from February “describing the dizzying consequences of an ever warmer world, but “that nobody talked about”, abounds his comrade Léopoldine Louis. In the arms of these students in cultural mediation at the Sorbonne, a sign represents the Titanic with the inscription: “Jack, where is the iceberg?” »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers the IPCC is alarmed by the dizzying consequences of an ever warmer world

It is therefore urgent for these young people to put the climate back at the center of the debate, eclipsed by two years of pandemic, a presidential election centered on security issues and, now, the war in Ukraine.

All call on politicians to get out of« inaction ». “It’s worse than that. Emmanuel Macron does not do anything, he makes things worsejudge, for her part, Marie Chureau, 20, with a degree in Franco-German law in Paris Nanterre and one of the members of Youth for Climate, which organizes the marches in France. We continue to multiply climaticide projects while there are less than ten years left if we want to limit global warming to 1.5°C. » Illustration of one of these “climate bombs”the giant Eacop oil pipeline project, of TotalEnergies, between Uganda and Tanzania, denounced by a group of young demonstrators, dressed in red overalls displaying « Climate killers ».

“No more certainty about the future”

If the demonstrators despair of the results, considered very meager, of the five-year term in terms of the environment, they also have little hope for the next one, a few days before the presidential election.

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