supporting Ukraine means respecting our Constitution »-

by time news
Of Liliana Segre

«The resistance of the invaded people represents the exercise of that fundamental right to defend one’s homeland, which art. 52 even prescribes it as sacred “The intervention of the senator for life at the Congress of the National Association of Partisans of Italy (Anpi)

Dear friends, dear friends of the National Association of Partisans of Italy,
thank you for the invitation. Unfortunately, I am unable to be physically present at your national congress, but I did not want to give up sending you this brief greeting anyway.

I follow you with the usual sympathy, with sentiments of eternal gratitude towards the anti-fascists and partisans who during the years of dictatorship and war made THE CHOICE even at the cost of sacrificing everything.
I follow with particular appreciation your activity aimed at transmitting the values ​​of the Resistance to young people and making them partakers of the beauty of our Constitution.
I really like the slogan of this Congress: “Go where the Constitution takes you”. Because our fundamental Charter holds together all the values ​​and all the institutional balances that make our democracy vital, advanced and resistant: fundamental freedoms and the duty of the Republic to eliminate the obstacles that limit the real possibility of citizens to enjoy them, the right of workers to a free and dignified existence and the rejection of all forms of discrimination, the central role of Parliament and the rule of law.
And of course also the constant commitment to peace.

The absurd war and bloody that suddenly returned to upset the heart of our Europe it causes in me a horror which is not easy for me to describe: those bombs on houses, those families on the run, those fathers who kiss their children perhaps for the last time and come back to fight … how many memories of a terrible pastwhich I would never have imagined to see again so close to us!
Even with respect to this monstrosity of war, our Constitution offers us safe guidance, if we can decline in a universal key its precepts.
Indeed, unmotivated aggression and unjustifiable against the sovereignty of Ukraine represents precisely the clear example of the type of war that, more than any other, art. 11 of the Constitution teaches us to “repudiate»: War as« an instrument of offense against the freedom of other peoples ».
E the resistance of the invaded people represents the exercise of that fundamental right to defend one’s homeland, which art. 52 even prescribes how “sacred duty”.

Therefore, it is not conceivable no equidistance; if we want to be true to our values, we must support the Ukrainian people struggling not to succumb to the invasion, not to lose their freedom.
This support cannot and must not mean enmity towards the great Russian people, rather. This people too suffers the harmful consequences of the choices and inhuman conduct of its rulers. Conduct that offends the memory of the 20 million dead of the Soviet Union – therefore Russians and Ukrainians together – in the victorious war against Nazi-fascism.
I think we all feel the same sense of repugnance, anguish and even helplessness in the face of this war.
We can only join in asking an immediate ceasefirethe end of the Russian invasion, the sending of rapid aid to the civilian population, the initiation of indefinite negotiations, the entrustment of the UN with an interposition role, the re-establishment of an authentic peace based on justice and respect the rights of peoples.

In conclusion, I like to remember that in my long experience as a witness to history I have always felt closeness, indeed an authentic brotherhood by the ANPI. I therefore hope that the Anpi will be able to develop more and more the role of garrison and driving force of our democracy, bearing witness now and always to the values ​​of the Resistance, the Constitution and peace.
I wish your Congress good work and I send a fraternal greeting to all the delegates.

March 24, 2022 (change March 24, 2022 | 20:20)

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