Six seriously ill people were rescued from the war

by time news

A special El Al plane leased by Ihud Hatzalah and converted to an intensive care unit took off this morning (Friday) from Israel to Bucharest in a joint operation by the Jewish Agency, Beilinson Hospital of the Clalit Group and the Ihud Hatzalah organization – to rescue a number of critically ill patients fleeing the war in Ukraine. In the immigration centers of the Jewish Agency in Romania. During these hours, the plane makes its way back from Bucharest to Israel with the patients on board.

The medical flight will land at Ben Gurion Airport, under the close medical supervision of the Rescue Union. Upon landing, patients will be transported in Rescue Union ambulances waiting in the field – for immediate treatment at Beilinson Hospital.

Representative of the Jewish Agency Alex Shafran with medical staff of the Beilinson delegation during the rescue operation in Bucharest

Prior to their rescue, the patients were staying at the Jewish Agency’s immigration centers in Bucharest, where they were being treated closely by Jewish Agency staff and a medical delegation from Beilinson.

In recent weeks, the Rescue Union’s Emergency Medicine Organization has been operating delegations of paramedics and paramedics who provide a humanitarian and medical response within the borders of Ukraine as well as in the refugee camps in Chisinau and the surrounding area. In addition, the organization operates an air train that has so far brought in more than 2,000 refugees who were forced to flee their homes in Ukraine following the war.

The Jewish Agency operates immigration centers in neighboring countries of Ukraine – Romania, Poland, Hungary and Moldova, in cooperation with the Friendship Foundation where immigrants are absorbed before immigrating to Israel and where all their shortages are taken care of, until immigrants arrive in Israel and are absorbed by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption.

Special staffs at Beilinson and Hasharon Hospitals joined the Jewish Agency a few weeks ago to medically accompany those staying at these centers. Thousands of Jews who fled the inferno in Ukraine and came exhausted and destitute to these centers have been treated since the outbreak of the war by members of the Jewish Agency and Beilinson and Sharon Hospital.

Yaakov Hagoel Chairman of the World Zionist Organization and Acting Chairman of the Jewish Agency: “The Jewish Agency and its people are deployed around the world and are at the forefront of assisting in any humanitarian rescue operation. I wish complete healing to the wounded and look forward to seeing them recover in the hospitals in Israel. “

Eli Bir, president and founder of the Rescue Union, said: “This is a truly special operation that we were able to carry out thanks to the cooperation with the Jewish Agency and Beilinson Hospital. Our teams are currently working in a number of countries to fly Ukrainian refugees to Israel as part of Operation Orange Wings. Every country we went to we met with representatives of the Jewish Agency who helped wonderfully and did a great job. Through such collaborations, we are able to provide urgent medical care to Ukrainian refugees, both Jews and non-Jews, during this difficult period. I would like to thank both the Jewish Agency and Beilinson Hospital for their continued partnership and work in assisting our teams in this vital humanitarian and medical effort. ”

Medical flight operation from Bucharest: Six seriously ill people were rescued from the war
The medical delegation of the Rescue Union that left Ben Gurion Airport this morning for the rescue operation of the Rescue Union, the Jewish Agency, and Beilinson Hospital

Dr. Eitan Wertheim, director of the Beilinson and Sharon Hospitals of the Clalit Group: “As the days go by, our staff in Warsaw and Bucharest understand the magnitude of the distress and the great medical needs. I am glad we can help, heal and give hope to these refugees. The heart expands in the face of the boundless activity of our wonderful staffs working day and night to assist refugees. “Humanitarian work is a moral obligation for all of us these days.”

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