“The 5-year survival from these tumors is over 60%” – time.news

by time news

Massimo Falconi: today we have increasingly effective therapies. If discovered early and localized, radical surgery leads to high cure rates

The discovery of the disease last week, the surgery a few days later, as quickly as possible. Because when a tumor is involved, time is precious: early diagnosis and prompt treatment they can make a big difference. At least on this one Fedez he was lucky because the symptoms of neuroendocrine tumors are unclear or absent, so 60% of patients come to detect the disease late, when the tumor mass reaches significant size or compromises the functionality of the affected organs.

«Besides being rare the NETs (from the English Neuro-Endocrine Tumors) are almost always “silent” and only in 20% of cases give specific symptoms related to the hyperproduction of hormones – explains the professor Massimo Falconidirector of the
Pancreas Center of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, who operated the rapper with his team -. They are a group of very different neoplasms, some aggressive, others “indolent”, that is, they evolve slowly ».

What is it about exactly?

“Let’s talk about the tumors he hasnno origin from the neuroendocrine system, made up of cells with characteristics typical of both endocrine cells, those that produce hormones, and nerve cells. These cells are present throughout the body, so NETs can affect different organs such as pancreas (as in the case of Fedez, ed), intestine, lungs, thyroid, thymus or adrenal glands “.

They are dangerous?

«It is very difficult to give a single answer for the dozens of different subtypes of neuroendocrine tumors. Based on the appearance of the neoplastic cells, NETs can be divided inton “well differentiated”, which generally grow slowly and are less aggressive (but still potentially malignant, can metastasize even after many years) and “poorly differentiated”, that develop faster and are more likely to be metastatic from the start ”.

What are the therapies?

«We are facing very different pathologies that require a personalized approach. If the tumor is discovered early and is localized, surgery radical, ie the elimination of all the neoplastic mass, can lead to a high percentage of patients to heal. Often the surgery is complex: it aims to completely remove the disease, preserving as much as possible the function of the organ ».

What if things get complicated?

“If the removal of the tumor is partial or if the discovery is late and there are already metastases, or in the case of relapses that occur over time, today we still have different types of drugs available. From chemotherapy (effective only in some forms) to somatostatin analogues, from “target” drugs to locoregional strategies (such as embolization or hepatic thermal ablation). Recently, the nuthis radioreceptor therapy, able to convey a “destructive” energy specifically targeted on cancer cells ».

Can it be healed?

“Also in this case it all depends on the type of tumor present in the individual patient and from the stage of the neoplasm at the time of diagnosis (whether it is in the initial or advanced phase). But the 5-year survival in our country is high, over 60%. In recent years, we have made significant progress with new therapies. However, it is certain to be treated in centers of reference, where multidisciplinary groups of experts operate, because the skills of various specialists are needed ».

March 25, 2022 (change March 25, 2022 | 17:31)

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