The Russians took over the hospital in the city of Slavutic on the Belarusian border

by time news


Russian forces took over the hospital in the town of Slavutić on the Belarusian border and abducted the mayor. This was stated by the governor of the Kyiv district Alexander Pullyuk.

According to various reports, Kharkiv and Mariupol are the cities that have suffered the heaviest shelling in the last day.

Earlier today, Russia and Ukraine agreed on the construction of 10 humanitarian crossings during the day, to evacuate civilians from cities and towns on the front lines. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Irina Vershchuk in a special broadcast on national television.

Also, Warszczuk noted, that citizens who want to escape from the southern city Mariupol, Titled in Russian Forces, Will be able to do this with the help of private vehicles only. Russian forces will not allow bus crossings at checkpoints.

However, Reuters stresses that no source has been found to confirm or contradict the information.


Russian forces continue to fire massively in urban areas and are not sick of harming civilians. According to estimates by the British Ministry of Defense, Russia will continue to use heavy firepower on urban areas and harm civilians.

Meanwhile, the British Ministry of Defense reports that the Russian infantry has avoided full ground entry and prefers to use heavy barrages from the air Without distinction between soldiers and civilians. This, in order to exhaust the Ukrainian defense forces.

The Russians also continue to encircle a number of major cities in Ukraine, including Kharkiv, Chernivtsi and Mariupol.


According to reports by a senior US administration official this morning (Saturday) at a press conference in Warsaw, it is estimated that Russian forces have no plans to continue invading Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

The senior official added that since the beginning of the invasion Russia has launched 1,250 rockets, and that the Russian Air Force is conducting an average of about 300 air raids a day in Ukrainian territory.

Fighting continues in the village of Makrib, near Kiev. In the attack on Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine – the forces did not advance any further.

Russian forces stopped about 15 km from the city of Mikuliev in an attempt to cut off the southern city from Ukraine.

The Russians managed to break the Ukrainian defense in the city of Izum, from where the forces continued southeast to Donbas.

Earlier the US administration reported that Ukrainian forces could regain control of the city of Kherson.

German media outlets in Ukraine also confirm that a supply of weapons has arrived from Germany that includes 1,500 anti-aircraft missiles and machine guns. In doing so, Germany violated its historic political decision – not to supply weapons to conflict zones.

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