Do not think about surgery and embarrassment anymore…treating hemorrhoids once and for all while you are at home in a simple way and without medicines and doctors!

by time news
Do not think about surgery and embarrassment anymore…treating hemorrhoids once and for all while you are at home in a simple way and without medicines and doctors! – educate me

Hemorrhoids are one of the embarrassing diseases for many, as many are forced to search for a natural treatment to get rid of hemorrhoids, as some feel embarrassed to go to the doctor, but there is a way that you can treat hemorrhoids in a very simple way without the need for medication, and hemorrhoids occur as a result of several things, including pregnancy, where The pressure on the blood vessels leads to hemorrhoids, problems with digestion or frequent constipation, a group of blood pools that cause swelling in the anus.

Hemorrhoids treatment at home without medication

There are many ways to help you get rid of hemorrhoids that you can prepare yourself at home and reduce your pain:

  • Soaking in warm water for half an hour daily is one of the best hemorrhoids treatments.
  • Eat foods and vegetables that contain fiber to avoid constipation.
  • Drinking water in the quantities needed by the body facilitates the process of excretion and reduces constipation.
  • The use of ice, where you put a bag with a small amount of ice and put it on this place by making ice to relieve pain.
  • Use cotton clothing to reduce friction on the body.
  • Use toilet paper or a cotton pad to clean the area after use.
  • Avoid using different types of lotion on this place or soap and other harmful ingredients.

Wrong habits that increase hemorrhoids:

  • Excessive drinking of caffeinated beverages.
  • In the case of drinking tea, it causes constipation, which makes the swelling in the anal area increase due to the dryness and hardening of the stool.
    Using ointments without consulting a doctor, these ointments may not be suitable for some cases.
  • Also, recipes such as putting some unknown ingredients are used that do more harm.

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