Pope Francis consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

by time news

In the midst of the continuing brutal war between Russia and Ukraine, Pope Francis dedicated both countries and all mankind to the Holy Mother of God in a show of faith.

Monsignor Joji Vadakara, Vatican City

During the Feast of Tabernacles, the Pope led a Lent penance service. On the same occasion, as announced on Sunday, March 20, at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, the Pope dedicated the now-troubled countries of Russia and Ukraine, especially to the Holy Mother. It is also a prayer for world peace. At the pope’s request, the Catholic community around the world prayed in various places for world peace and an end to the current war.

In his Sermon on the Mount, the Pope spoke to the Holy Mother about the angel Gabriel’s speech and the evil that war brings.

This is the summary of the Pope’s speech.

The angel Gabriel speaks to the Virgin Mary three times.

God who seeks us

The first is that the Swasti Lord be with you (Lk 1,28). The reason to rejoice is that God is with us.

The same thing happens with confession. The reason we rejoice is that the Lord is with us. At the center of confession is not our sins, but the forgiveness of God who died. In confession, we come to God, not to God, but to us with the joy of forgiveness.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the Sacrament of Happiness. In confession we experience the warm embrace of the Father, the sweet power of Jesus healing us, and the tender spirit of motherhood.

Confess with mercy.

Priests should try to give the joy of the announcement that God is with you to the people who come to you. The pope reminded that confessing priests must open the door to mercy. Priests should strive to be like canals in the grace of God, like the good shepherd who takes his sheep in his arms. It is better not to confess to priests who cannot do so.

Do not be afraid; God is with you

This is the second time the angel Gabriel speaks to Mary. Angered, the angel tells her, “God is with you, do not be afraid.” This is what God says to all who accept Him. He says to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, to St. Joseph, and to Mary, “Do not be afraid.” As we open our lives to God each and every time, fear cannot keep us enslaved. The pope reminded us that if our sins frighten us, we must trust in God. God is greater than our sins. The pope, for example, said that it was his sins that he asked God to give back to a monk who had lived in the desert after giving his all to God.

The example of the Holy Mother

Mary was the one who surrendered everything to God in the face of her troubles. If she had relied on her own strength in the face of the angel’s words, she would have had difficulties with the law of Moses, before Joseph, and before her own people, but the words of God “not to be feared” were enough for her. The Holy Mother teaches us to trust in God from the beginning, and not in ourselves.

Brothers and the War in Ukraine

The Pope reminded us that the news these days speaks to us about the suffering of our vulnerable brothers in Ukraine. War brings endurance, and fear. It causes us feelings of helplessness and powerlessness. Here, we need the word “fear not”. It does not come from the assurance of human beings, but from the presence of God, who is able to eliminate all evil and restore peace in the hearts. Let us walk back to God and His mercy.

The abode of the Holy Spirit

The third time the angel spoke to Mary, she said, “The Holy Spirit will come on you.” God intervenes in history by giving us the Spirit. Our abilities or strengths are not enough in the world. We cannot resolve conflicts not only in history but also in our own lives. We need the wisdom and gentle power of God, the Holy Spirit. He is the one who gives us unity.

God’s love

When we ask God many things, we often miss one important thing, namely, His Holy Spirit. Through him we receive the ability to love. What can we give to the world without love? Loveless Christians are like a needle in a haystack. It just hurts, not stitches. The pope said he would even say that a Christian who does not love is not a Christian. That is why we need to receive from the mercy of God, the power of love, the Holy Spirit who descended upon the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The heart of the Holy Mother

If the world is to change, our hearts must first change. The heart of Mary, where God dwelt, was without the shadows of sin. It was because of her heart that was free from evil that God was able to begin a new history of salvation and peace through her. God is rewriting history by knocking on the door of Mary’s heart.

To the Holy Mother as children

Just as children run to a mother for protection, so can we go to the presence of the Holy Mother. Let us bring to the heart of Mary all that we now experience, to bishops and believers around the world. The church, the human race as a whole, especially the people of Ukraine and Russia. In the face of this war, which is so cruel and threatening the whole world, we, as children, can surrender everything completely to her. It is not a ministerial act, but a spiritual act. Let us submit everything to that pure heart of the mother. That is where the blessings of brotherhood and peace lie. May that mother protect and care for us.

We can accept God’s plans as Mary did

The words of the Blessed Mother, “Let your will be done to me,” are the most beautiful words that an angel can bring to God. It is not an automatic approval, but a decision to stick with God and accept His plans. When we dedicate ourselves to Mary, we make the decision to fully cooperate with God’s plans. As soon as the angel agrees, he embarks on a new journey. To see and care for his cousin. The pope ended his sermon by praying that Mother would hold our hand and lead us through the steep and difficult path of brotherhood and dialogue, and that our words would lead us to the path of peace.

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