Marine Le Pen attacks the balance sheet of Emmanuel Macron during a meeting in Bordeaux

by time news

Marine Le Pen didn’t do much, and besides, she didn’t have the time: a short hour meeting in the heart of Bordeaux without even handing out selfies, before heading off for a whirlwind trip to Guadeloupe. , between two TV shows: despite a comfortable lead in the voting intentions for the qualification in the second round, the candidate of the National Rally knows that everything will be decided in the final stretch, until April 10.

She thus unrolled, Friday March 25, her usual campaign themes, this time with a strong perfume of populism, in front of a good thousand supporters in Saint-Martin-Lacaussade, a pleasant town in Gironde which does not have many more inhabitants. With two angles of attack: purchasing power and the sad record of Emmanuel Macron, without forgetting the Islamist danger, which seems, however, a little abstract, seen from the vines of Côtes-de-Blaye.

Read also Presidential election 2022: on the ground, Marine Le Pen has made purchasing power her main campaign topic

This onslaught of populism and Poujadism, certainly classic on the far right, is so unusual with Marine Le Pen: in Gironde, she pitted the small against the big, the rural against the metropolis, the regions against Paris, France against Brussels, the people against the elected, the car against the climate, with a touch of conspiracy, in particular against an Emmanuel Macron suspected of only defending his caste.

“Tax racket” on families

Marine Le Pen thus heavily insisted on the supposed hostility “small countries” against Bordeaux, by playing on the fear of the outskirts of becoming suburbs. It intends to defend rurality, “these small towns trying to keep their destiny in hand”although they are “more or less served, more or less equipped, more or less forgotten”. The fault of “technocrats blinded by the German model of the Länder, and applied with servility by elected officials with no other projects than the service of their ego. »

In metropolitan areas, infrastructure is “saturated”, “delinquency is exploding under the pressure of anarchic migratory flows”. While, in the countryside, tension is mounting with soaring fuel prices, which “is ruining millions of you while filling the state coffers”. It is first, for Marine Le Pen, because of the taxes “that Emmanuel Macron has weighed down four times”. Moreover, the Head of State “chose to impose a real tax racket” on French families, retirees, craftsmen, small businesses “to finance expenditure on immigration” but also to grant “exorbitant tax privileges to a privileged few who had funded his campaign and no doubt continue to do so. »

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