the final report sent to the government contains the first conclusions of the inspections

by time news

Go to court without making the report public. Brigitte Bourguignon, Minister Delegate for Autonomy, announced on Saturday March 26 that the State was going to file a complaint against the Orpea group, in order to “that legal proceedings may, if necessary, be instituted”, says the press release from the ministry. The government has decided to seize the public prosecutor on the basis of article 40 of the code of criminal procedure.

On Friday, March 25, the government received the conclusions of the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) and the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF). The executive had instructed, on 1is February, the two inspections of an investigation into the facts recounted in Victor Castanet’s book, The Gravediggers (Fayard, 400 p., 22.90 euros) denouncing a “system” set up by the private group aimed at “optimize costs” to the detriment of resident care. On reading the report, it appears that “serious malfunctions” were revealed, said Bourguignon, Saturday on France Inter, dysfunctions on the human level but also concerning the financial practices of the group.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Ehpad: the State issues a damning preliminary report for the Orpea group

“Yes, there were shortcomings on the human level and shortcomings on the organizational level”, indicated Burgundian. The government also wants justice to be able to “check that, also on the financial level, there have sometimes been serious malfunctions”.

According to our information, the final report issued on Friday confirms almost all of the first conclusions of the preliminary report that The world unveiled on March 21. Since then, the Orpea group had taken care to respond point by point to the preliminary report. The inspections essentially maintained their initial findings. They established that there was a very significant lack of trained personnel in the group’s establishments and deficiencies in the residents’ diet.

Repayment of public credits

With regard to accounting, the final report notes that surpluses were generated on public funds when they could have been allocated to hiring more caregivers. The IGF and the IGAS have also been unable to trace the use of these credits, which represent several million euros. Mme Bourguignon said on Saturday that the government could request reimbursement of these sums. “For the moment, the sums are not completely fixed. And so, it’s several million euros. What I want is that we cannot let people think that a single penny that has not been paid to residents cannot be reimbursed ”she said.

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