High cholesterol, how to get 525 euros a month and civil disability

by time news

High cholesterol, like having an invalidity pension and 525 euros a month

There are two types of cholesterol: the HDL cholesterol (defined as good) and that LDL (defined instead bad). In case the LDL values ​​are higher than those of HDL, it is called hypercholesterolemia, a real pathology. The bad cholesterolin fact, it can cause permanent disabling diseaseseven the premature death. If the pathology becomes disabling, the sick can benefit, in addition to the exemption of the health ticket and the concession of civil invalidity.

High cholesterol, when disability is recognized

The cholesterol is high when you give it blood analysis emerges a level of cholesterolemia equal to or greater than 40 mg / dl. In this hypothesis, patients will be entitled to the recognition of disability civil and, in the case of permanent disability with walking problemsalso attendance allowance.

High cholesterol, how to get civil disability

What to do for recognition of civil invalidityin the case of disabling pathologies related to cholesterol? First you need the introductory certificate from the doctor, in which the clinical picture of the person concerned and the extent of the disease are declared. This document, sent electronically, allows the worker to request, in the presence of all the requirements, civil invalidity, the serious handicap under the law 104 e the attendance allowance.

After submitting the application by entering the protocol number of the electronic certificate sent by doctorthe applicant will be visited by INPS medical commissionwhich must certify the degree of disability of the patient. To this end, the Commission attaches a certain disabling percentage. Only if this percentage is equal to or greater than 74%, then the subject will be entitled to the civil disability allowance.

Furthermore, in the hypothesis of disability to 100% and difficulty in carrying out daily acts, then the Medical commission also grants the attendance allowance e severe disability pursuant to law 104.

High cholesterol, how much is the allowance?

After the determination of the percentage of disability, recipients are entitled to a check ranging from 291 to 525 euros. In particular, the civil disability allowancepaid by INPS each month and for thirteen months, it is 291.69 euros. The accompanying allowance, on the other hand, paid for twelve months, is 525.17 euros. Finally, it is possible to take advantage of all the other benefits provided for by art. 3 paragraph 3 of law 104.

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