3 serious signs if you appear on your toes that indicate high cholesterol, go to the doctor immediately

by time news
3 dangerous signs if you appear on your toes that indicate high cholesterol, go to the doctor immediately – educate me

High cholesterol leads to many catastrophic health problems, as it affects the health of the heart by preventing blood from reaching the heart. It leads to death, and we find that when cholesterol increases in the blood, some signs appear on the feet and are evidence of high cholesterol, such as hair loss in the feet and difficulty moving the feet, meaning the feeling of heaviness, and we will explain these signs through this article.

Serious signs on the toes are evidence of high cholesterol

  • Hair loss in the toes is a strong sign of high cholesterol.
  • We find that the fingers of the old have completely changed color, as it tends to gray, which indicates the fair blood flow to those fingers. This is conclusive evidence of the increase in cholesterol.
  • The occurrence of cramps in the feet or toes, this is evidence of the lack of blood flow to the feet and the high cholesterol in the blood.
  • Signs in the foot itself where we feel a lot of weight while they are moving and not being able to stand or walk.
  • A change in the shape of the skin of the foot, where the skin appears in the form of tight and shiny.
  • We find a severe increase in the growth of the toenails, or the opposite of that, their growth has stopped, as this indicates that the blood does not reach that area.
  • The color of the foot tends to white at the bottom, which is evidence of the lack of blood reaching the foot.
  • Coldness in the fingers and toes due to the lack of blood flow to them.
  • Severe sores between the toes and no healing.
  • Calf atrophy is evidence of insufficient blood supply.

Natural ways to treat low cholesterol

  • Eating the nuts of the Brazilian part has a significant role in the absorption of harmful cholesterol.
  • Eating boiled sage, a herbal plant, helps in balancing harmful and beneficial cholesterol in the body.
  • Eating boiled lemon with ginger, as it contributes to the disposal of harmful cholesterol in the body.
  • Do a daily walk for at least half an hour.
  • Stay away from fats and sugars and eat boiled foods.
  • Eat healthy fruits.
  • Eat fresh vegetables.

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