Presidential D-15: Mélenchon can still hope to beat Le Pen to reach the second round

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To situate the presidential candidates less than a month before the election, Le Parisien offers you, from Monday to Saturday, a daily poll – called “rolling poll” – carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria, with our partner Franceinfo. Here’s what to remember from the twelfth edition, this Saturday.

Will Macron go back to 30%? If the French voted this Saturday, their preference would go for the outgoing president, who collects 28.5% of the voting intentions in our poll of the day, with a margin of error of 3 points. A figure down slightly (-0.5%) compared to our survey the day before, and which in fact keeps the candidate below the symbolic bar of 30% for the fifth consecutive day.

Marine Le Pen, 9 points behind. The candidate of the National Rally also drops in the survey, since she collects one point less than the day before (17.5%) of the voting intentions, which is not worth trend since the margin of error is established at 2 .5 dots. In a privileged position to qualify for the second round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen is betting on proximity this weekend, traveling to Guadeloupe, while the speeches of her opponents will become entangled these Saturdays and Sundays in mainland France.

The gap is narrowing (a little) between Le Pen and Mélenchon. The candidate of rebellious France wins a point in our poll of the day compared to that of the day before. An index to be taken with caution, but which begins to be verified over time. For three days, the gap between the two candidates has narrowed. It has also never been so tenuous (3 points), which gives Jean-Luc Mélenchon hope for a place against Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the election.

The participation index up slightly. If the election took place today, around 67% of French people of voting age would go to the polls. This is a little more than in the previous days, which suggests that the campaign is gradually gaining, 15 days from the first round, the attention of the French. On Thursday, INSEE announced that 48.7 million voters had registered on the electoral lists this year, around 1 million more than in 2017 (the French population has since increased).

Methodology: survey conducted online from March 22 to 25, 2022. About 500 people (out of a sample of 1,718 people registered on the electoral lists) were questioned every day via the Internet. The results presented show the accumulation of the interviews carried out over the last three days. This barometer is a day-to-day monitoring of voting intentions and opinion. Quota method. Source: Ipsos-Sopra Steria for Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France and Franceinfo.

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