Historical event: Jubilee of the decade since the departure of the Rebbe of Salvation, Moshe Zia

by time news

Three days of gathering, ascension and ascension, in his way and legacy The teachings and method of the Savior Moshe Moiznitz, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the ascension to heaven on the 20th of Adar 5772.

The spiritual preparation in the Jubilee of the Decade began last year on the day of celebration on the 20th of Adar 5771, when the Rebbe declared Moiznitz the Jubilee of the Decade, in which they will dedicate the year in addition to existing studies, special lessons in Gemara Mishnayot, Minchat Hinuch and the book Delicacies Each of the Hasidim was given a special study order for him, which he studied every month, in addition to which major ceremonies and conferences were held for the students and trainees of the institutions, and for the staff and educators.

The spiritual ‘lock’ of the year was signed this week during 72 hours, of gathering and commemoration in the name and memory of the Savior Moses, with the participation of all Vizhnitz followers from all over the world, and at the center of events held the historic event in the nation Many months.

At the beginning of the week, the “Air Train” began to move hundreds of Hassidim who flocked from all concentrations of ultra-Orthodox Judaism in the world, to the Holy Courtyard at the Vizhnitz Hassidic Center in Bnei Brak. Speakers were Rabbi Chaim Meir Hagar, son of Rabbi Moiznitz, and Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Katz, son-in-law of Rabbi Moiznitz. In the mishnah of their great grandfather ZIA

In the evening, the Hasidim ascended to the Holy City of Jerusalem, to the World Historical Gathering, in honor of the Hilula Kadisha, the following was preceded by a special exhibition of spectacular images from the accelerated and expanded development of the Torah and Hasidic Kingdom of Vizhnitz in the last two decades.

In a huge production, a primitive and unique ‘museum’ of its kind was established in one of the halls, with the display of dozens of sacred objects and exact transcripts of his life and stork life in the shadow of the Savior Moshe Moiznitz,

Under special security over the historical items, the Hasidic crowd moved between the special exhibits, which evoked in them memories and feelings of fire to the same Tzaddik.

A special transcript formed the audience reception room, and the Tishim Hall, with the real items and products, they conveyed a vibration in everyone’s heart in remembering the sacred moments in the Holy of Holies while receiving the quilts and arranging the pure tishim.

At the end of the exhibition, his holy will was presented – in the holy handwriting of the Savior Moses, who addresses all the followers of Viznitz, and seeks to cling to and call his son his successor, and to help him, and to all who stand to our right I will have an advocate of honesty.

From there the public moved on to the feast of rejoicing, which was served like a king in all its splendor. When in the nearby halls there were more joint stops and resumes of the Savior Moses, such as the journey of escape from the jaws of the evil Holocaust, to the Land of Israel, a shaky and sweeping escape journey. A special exhibition in which the glorious journeys in the sanctuary of the late Maran Baal Yeshuot Moshe around the world were reviewed, in which many verbs in the devotion of his pure soul.

Look around you and see, the signal was given and the doors of the main hall in the nation’s buildings opened, thousands of people flowed into it, and each man sat in its place, the exalted class was led here by Margaliot producer Rabbi Isaiah Greenfeld who moderated the evening with great talent. Mr. Moshe Leon who delivered the blessing of the municipality on the occasion of the class held inside the capital Jerusalem, the hopes of the hearts of the Jewish people.

During the class, the Viznitz Choir sang special works, ancient songs alongside new ones that delve into the depths of the heart with love and awakening to the Rebbe.

At the time of the appointment, the Rebbe of the Cohort, Shlita Moiznitz, appeared in all his glory, the foreheads moving with tremendous singing, with joy and excitement, with dances and dances in special songs composed especially for the sublime class.

In a chief gathering with Yahad Shivtei Yisrael, it is time to act for salvation. The voice of the prayers shook the foreheads of the thresholds an eye was not left dry in the face of the prayer, “May our tears be shed in your hand and be saved from all decrees and cruelty.”

In an uplifting and electrifying atmosphere, the end of six mishnah sederim was held – when all the chassidim memorized the chapters of the mishnayot they accepted, and afterwards the Rebbe Moiznitz held the end.

Hess was thrown into the hall, while the Rebbe Shlita began to carry the main burden, the Rebbe described with great emotion the history of the Vizhnitz House from the beginning of the Baal Shem Tov and his follower R. Yaakov Kapil Hasid to the present day, the events of the period and times, The Holocaust and the difficult period, which were spread over three generations of the ‘Love of Israel’, the son of the author of the ‘Imrei Chaim’ and his grandson the author of the ‘Yeshuat Moshe’, the difficulties in establishing a Torah immigrant in times of darkness and obscurity.

The Rebbe also expanded chapters on the doctrine and method of the Baal Yeshuot Moshe, the degree of truth that was imprinted in his blood, and the distance from the lie and similar to it like a rainbow, the Rebbe encouraged the public to follow in his footsteps, , And called on the public to deepen in addition to the daily account the gate of the uniqueness of the deed which was accustomed to the language of the Savior Moses, and in the coming year devotees will dedicate to study and study this unique chapter, which sharpens and deepens the foundations of faith in Gd.

An artistic and fascinating presentation, rich in content and with a pulsating presentation, combined with a musical by musicians and children of wonder from Hasidism, best described the illuminating life of the savior Moshe Zia, from early childhood in the shadow of his grandfather ‘Love Israel’ and periods of war and austerity, abroad and in the Holy Land, The educational war on the future generation, the establishment of Torah and educational institutions, about an hour and a half of fascinating and moving viewing that shook hearts, the presentation was incorporated into recordings in his pure voice, morals and education that he lectured and delivered throughout his years.

At five o’clock in the morning, hearts are uplifted, hearts are missed, in an enthusiastic dance the anthem of the sacred method, the crowd of elves spontaneously burst, ‘i.e. crutch hutin’ . This closed the historical status that will be engraved for many more days among all the followers of Viznitz.

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