Be’er Sheva: Hundreds expressed support for the bereaved families at the scene of the attack

by time news

After the shocking massacre last week in Be’er Sheva, hundreds of people came tonight to hold a demonstration in support of the bereaved families and demand that the government not abandon the Negev • MK Itamar Ben Gvir: “Whoever is our enemy should be thrown out.”

Hundreds of people, including youth movement activists and staff “Strengthen the Negev Strengthen Governance” – came tonight (Saturday evening) to Malka Malka at the scene of the attack, out of a desire to strengthen the residents of Be’er Sheva and bereaved families, “raise your head and demand the return of governance to the Negev.” Organizers of the support demonstration.

The event was attended by representatives of the bereaved families, a Chabad emissary in the city, Rabbi Meir Simcha Kraketzky, Rabbi Shimon Cohen, head of the Beit Moriah institutions, Beit Moriah and deputy mayor Meir Mazuz, and a member of the Religious Zionist Party, MK Itamar Ben Gvir – who gave a speech. Our country. “

“The reason I came here today is because I care about you, the residents here, and the Negev. And not just today, also on the day of the attack, and before the attack. What is happening in the Negev is lawlessness, abandoning our country, abandoning our people,” he said. He said: “We talk about the fact that there are no policemen, even when there are policemen do not give them their backs, do not give them the right instructions.”

Ben Gvir ended the speech and demanded that: “Whoever is our enemy, who raises a hand, whoever throws a Molotov cocktail, whoever throws a stone. He should be thrown out. Seven changes. “

Chief of Staff “Red Line Protest” Joel Sheila said: “After the horrific attack we will not lower our heads but on the contrary raise our heads and flags, embrace the bereaved families and demand the return of governance to the Negev, destroy the terrorist house, return plantings and pass the law “Governance in the Negev.”

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