how to fight the symptoms –

by time news
Of Cristina Marrone

45% of Italians, especially young people, suffer from allergies in spring. How to distinguish it from Covid and suggestions on how to reduce inconvenience

The mild temperatures of these days and the flowering of many plants, like every year, have increased the concentration of pollen in the air, favoring the typical ailments of spring allergies. Assosalute, the National Association of Self-Medication Drugs estimates that the 45% of Italians, especially young people, suffer from more or less severe allergies. Those who are allergic know it: the pollen that circulate can cause a series of eye irritation causing conjunctivitis, red eyes, swollen eyelids, tearing, nasal congestion, sneezing, persistent cough, itchy nose, eyes and mouth. It is precisely in early spring that the symptoms are always annoying, regardless of pollen levels and treatments. According to a study from a few years ago, the possible explanation is that as the pollen season progresses, patients get used to the annoyances, willy-nilly.

The pollen season will last 19 days longer

The lives of allergy sufferers could become more difficult due to climate change. L‘increase in temperatures and CO2 they will push plants to produce more pollen and for a longer period of time according to a new study published in Nature Communications. Based on a predictive model, scholars have estimated that by the end of the century the increases in temperature will anticipate the onset of spring pollen emissions by 10-40 days, while the summer-autumn seasons should end 5-15 days later than now. In total, on average, the pollen season could last on average at least 19 more days. Not only that, due to the increase in temperatures and CO2 levels, the amount of pollen emitted each year could double, intensifying and extending the discomfort of allergy sufferers.

Meaning of allergy

The allergy manifests itself as a result of one abnormal reaction of the immune system starting at produce antibodies to defend themselves from substances that are actually harmless to the body, triggering the typical allergic reactions. In fact, when the body comes into contact with a substance that it recognizes as dangerous, the meeting between allergens and antibodies causes the immune reaction, which consists in the release of chemical mediators, such ashistamineat the base of every allergic symptom that can range from a slight irritation to anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can endanger the life of the individual.

How to distinguish allergy from Covid

Some allergy symptoms such as a runny nose could be confused with Covid, especially now with the Omicron variant more rarely than the previous variants manifests itself with fever. If until last year the fever was an important discriminant (absent in allergy sufferers), this year not having a fever does not exclude the possibility of having contracted Covid. Certainly for those who suffer from these problems annually, things are quite simple because they easily recognize the typical ailments of the period having already tried them. Anyone who knows they are allergic to pollen and at this moment accuses cough and cold should start the therapy prescribed by the allergist based on inhaled antihistamines and corticosteroids that reduce symptoms. Certainly, if after 4-5 days the disorders do not subside, one can think of having contracted Covid-19 with a mild form. Furthermore the allergic rhinitis it should be more easily distinguished from viral because sneezing is usually blanks (i.e. in bursts).

What to do to mitigate the inconvenience

Some of the golden rules for limiting the symptoms of allergies contrast but with the advice to mitigate the risk of contagion from Covid. In the office, to avoid the ingress of pollen, you should keep the closed windows during the working day, preferring ventilate the room upon arrival. It is also advisable not to voluntarily come into contact with flowers or plants that you know you are allergic to. Also at home it is recommended to carry out the air change in the morning

early or late in the eveningwhen the concentration of pollen in the air is lower and also in this case it is good to keep the windows closed in the middle of the day. Better to avoid going to places with a high concentration of pollen such as parks and gardens prefer trips to the sea or to the mountains rather than to the countryside. Avoid going out in the central or hottest hours of the day, when the pollen concentration is higher, as it is good avoid staying outdoors in the first moments of a thunderstorm, as rain facilitates the release of allergens and pollen. It is good to try to always breathe through the nose because, unlike the mouth, it retains part of the agents present in the air. Those who use the moped should use a mask and wraparound goggles. In the car, keep the windows closed and activate the pollen filter if present.

The masks

The use of masks in the last two years has proved to be a decisive measure to reduce the incidence of allergic rhinitis disorders. The use of the mask “was decisive for the lower inhalation of pollen and therefore on the incidence of disorders related to respiratory allergies, even if to a lesser extent in indoor environments” he says Walter Canonica Director of the Personalized Medicine Center for Asthma and Allergology – Humanitas Clinical Institute. “As far as this year is concerned, however, it would be wrong to argue that the risk of a greater spread of symptoms attributable to allergies cannot occur, given the gradual relaxation of restrictive measures to stem the risk of contagion from SARS-CoV-2”.

Self-medication drugs

Per relieve symptoms of respiratory allergies it is possible to resort to over-the-counter drugs, marked by the red dot that smiles like drugs antihistamines and antiallergics available as nasal sprays, eye drops and tablets to which are also added nasal decongestants (to be used with caution). Specifically, and with regard to allergic rhinitis, “second generation antihistamines can be used, also available without prescription and, only under prescription, nasal steroids and antileukotriene or salbutamol-based drugs as needed, also indicated for therapy of pediatric asthma. However, it should be remembered that asthma is a disease that requires an adequate clinical framework “suggests the professor Walter Canonica. “The second generation drugs, being able to act against histamine in a more selective way – says the professor – are especially indicated for allergic individuals who spend 6-8 hours in front of the PC for work or for other reasons, since these drugs do not they give sedative effects, thus guaranteeing a good working performance ». In addition to these first solutions, it is advisable to contact your doctor or your trusted allergist to check the symptoms and possibly a personalized treatment.

March 26, 2022 (change March 26, 2022 | 18:19)

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