A deadly poison that will kill you your life.. One cup of this daily drink raises cholesterol levels in the blood and causes clots and heart attacks. Avoid it immediately.

by time news
A deadly poison that will make you lose your life.. One cup of this daily drink raises cholesterol levels in the blood and causes strokes and heart attacks. Avoid it immediately.

We find that the increase in cholesterol in the blood is a very dangerous thing and affects our health a lot and leads to the occurrence of atherosclerosis and the failure of blood to reach the heart. This waxy substance is inside the arteries that destroys the health of the heart a lot. And drinking a glass of carbonated water that people drink continuously without knowledge increases cholesterol in the blood. The blood and destroys our health, and we will explain its damages and the most important healthy drinks that should be consumed through this article.

Disadvantages of soft drinks

Some people drink soft drinks on a daily basis and in abundance without knowing that they have many harms and that they affect our health, and we will explain their harms through the following points.

  • It increases blood sugar, making it dangerous for diabetics.
  • It increases the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
  • It clogs the blood vessels that deliver blood to the heart and leads to obesity and weight gain.
  • It leads to a large increase in rumen fat and an increase in obesity.
  • It leads to stroke and can lead to death.
  • Eating one cup of it on a daily basis can destroy our health over time.
  • Make the presence of dehydration in the body.
  • It leads to bloating and indigestion, and it affects the health of the pregnant woman a lot.

Healthy drinks to have

We find that carbonated water is full of many harms and can lead to death, so it must be replaced with some healthy drinks. We will explain a list of healthy drinks that we present to you through the following points.

  • Fresh orange juice: It is one of the drinks that is very beneficial to our body and provides us with vitamin C and is indispensable in any home, in addition to that it resists viral diseases.
  • Strawberry juice: It is one of the important juices, as strawberries contain antioxidants that are beneficial to our health, along with a lot of vitamins.
  • Mango juice: It is one of the very useful juices and is full of vitamins and minerals.
  • Pomegranate juice: It is one of the juices that strengthen the structure of the body, strengthen immunity, protect the body from diseases and help lose weight.

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