Teeth cleaning: at home and at the doctor

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Have you ever wondered about the importance of brushing teeth? Which methods do you follow in brushing or flossing? And which one is the best in your opinion? Have you ever brushed your teeth at the doctor’s office? Follow the following article to learn the most important information about dental cleaning.

The process of cleaning teeth can be defined as a followed procedure that aims to get rid of food residues that accumulate between the teeth and cause many problems in the mouth and teeth. For tooth decay and gum infections, these bacteria produce a group of acids that attack the teeth and lead to their breakage and the occurrence of cavities. You can clean your teeth either at home using brush, floss and toothpaste, or you can brush your teeth at the doctor’s office using one of the methods that we will discuss. [1]

The importance of brushing teeth on a daily basis at home or periodically in the dentist’s office has many benefits, the most important of which are: [1]

  • Get a bright white smileSome drinks and foods can cause teeth to become discolored and dirty, and over time, not brushing the teeth can cause dark spots to appear that are difficult to get rid of.
  • Reduce bad breathFailure to brush your teeth on a daily basis can cause food debris to accumulate between your teeth, which in turn may increase the chance of bacteria multiplying bad breath.
  • Caries preventionThe accumulation of plaque on the teeth increases the possibility of eroding the tooth enamel layer, which leads to decay.
  • Preventing tooth lossNot brushing your teeth on a daily basis increases the risk of gum disease, which is one of the main causes of tooth loss.
  • Promote public healthhelps maintain oral and dental health in promoting general health and preventing many diseases, most notably diabetes and heart disease.

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You can clean your teeth at home with ease, either by brushing or flossing. Follow the following steps to ensure clean teeth. [2]

brushing teeth

You can brush your teeth by following these steps:

  • First, put a small amount of toothpaste on the head of the brush, in an amount not exceeding a pea.
  • At a 45-degree angle with the gum line, place the brush against the teeth.
  • Move the brush in a circular and continuous manner over each tooth separately, taking into account that the brush threads remain at the gum line.
  • Take care to avoid putting pressure on the teeth.
  • Clean the front and inner surfaces of the teeth facing the tongue in a small and continuous circular motion.
  • Then clean the inner surface of the lower and upper teeth by tilting the brush vertically and moving it up and down in a small and continuous circular motion.
  • With the back of the brush, gently brush the tongue.
  • When you’re done, don’t forget to brush your teeth with water to get rid of the toothpaste residue.

It is worth noting the importance of brushing teeth twice a day for at least two minutes. When teaching children to brush their teeth, make sure to teach your child the correct way to do so, while giving him an attempt to do that and monitor him every time he brushes his teeth to ensure that the food remains that cause decay.

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Dental flossing

Dental flossing helps get rid of food residues that the brush cannot reach. It is recommended to floss your teeth at least once a day. The following steps can help in using dental floss:

  • Remove approximately 45 cm of thread from the dispenser case.
  • Wrap the floss around the middle fingers of each hand, leaving about 2cm of the floss open to clean the teeth.
  • Begin the dental cleaning process by cleaning the upper and then lower teeth.
  • Put the floss in your mouth and with your index finger push it between the teeth.
  • Take care to avoid strong pressure to avoid injury to the gums.
  • Move the floss up, down, and around the gum line.
  • Make sure to floss between all the teeth, even the back teeth.

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The process of getting acquainted with the method of cleaning the teeth at the dentist can facilitate the fear of some people, and the following are the steps for cleaning the teeth at the dentist, [3]

  • physical examinationThe doctor begins the process of cleaning the teeth by performing a physical examination of the patient, in order to look for any signs of gingivitis or to detect any other problems affecting the teeth.
  • Remove layers of plaque and tartarThe doctor uses various techniques to get rid of the remnants of plaque and tartar accumulated on the teeth. The doctor often uses the abrasion technique to get rid of the layers of tartar due to the difficulty of getting rid of them using traditional methods.
  • Cleaning with toothpasteAfter getting rid of the tartar layers completely, the dentist cleans the teeth with the toothpaste and the electric brush.
  • floss useAfter finishing brushing the teeth with the toothpaste, the doctor begins to clean the patient’s teeth with the floss, to ensure the disposal of food residues accumulated between the teeth.
  • rinsingUpon completion of the previous steps, the dentist rinses the teeth with a solution containing liquid fluoride.
  • Applying fluoride to the teethIn the last step of the cleaning process, the doctor begins by applying fluoride to the teeth. This substance acts as a protective layer for the teeth and helps fight cavities for several months.

The following are the most important ways to clean teeth at the doctor,

Teeth cleaning from tartar

Cleaning the teeth from tartar or known as preventive cleaning is one of the ways to clean the teeth at the doctor. During this process, the doctor gets rid of any accumulations of tartar and plaque, whether on the teeth or gums, this process often takes a little time except in severe cases in which tartar is accumulated on damaged teeth.
Leaving tartar on the teeth without cleaning can cause many diseases of the mouth and gums. In some cases, the doctor may resort to using a scraping technique to remove the accumulated layers of tartar. [4]

Laser teeth cleaning

Laser dental cleaning is referred to by another name, which is deep dental cleaning. During this technique, the doctor uses laser beams to get rid of the layers of tartar accumulated on the teeth by breaking them up. Using the laser is safer for both teeth and gums, in case you suffer from discomfort and swelling. While brushing teeth with other methods, this method can be less painful and more effective in terms of side effects. [5]

Teeth cleaning from cavities

Cleaning the teeth from cavities depends on the severity of the situation, and here are some of the options available to clean the teeth from cavities, [6]

  • Florida TreatmentsIf the degree of caries is low, dental treatments with fluoride can help restore tooth enamel and in some cases can reverse the situation, the doctor often advises using fluoride treatments that come in the form of liquid, gel, foam or even coating that is placed by brushing on the teeth Specialty fluoride treatments contain more fluoride than tap water, toothpaste and oral gargling solutions.
  • fillerDental restorations, or also known as dental restorations, the doctor often resorts to this type in deteriorating cases, during this stage the doctor makes dental fillings in a color similar to the color of the teeth.
  • dental crownsIn cases of severe decay and weak teeth, the doctor resorts to dental crowns. During this procedure, the doctor removes the decayed and eroded teeth and covers them with crowns made of porcelain, gold, resin or other materials.
  • root canals, This technique is often resorted to if the decay reaches the pulp of the tooth, and there you may need a root canal to save and repair the tooth.
  • tooth extractionIn some severe cases where the teeth are significantly carved out, the doctor may resort to extracting the tooth, the extraction of the tooth can result in the presence of a gap that allows other teeth to deviate.

With regard to dental cleaning for pregnant women, it is worth noting the importance of consulting a doctor, because some dental cleaning techniques are not safe for women during pregnancy.

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It is recommended to visit the dentist once every 6 six months to check on the condition of the teeth and gums, taking into account the importance of professional dental cleaning every period of time in the dentist’s office. [2]

There are many tips that you should follow for dental care, and the most prominent of them are: [7]

  • Make sure to use a soft-bristled brush, making sure that its size and shape are proportional to the size of the mouth, with easy access to all teeth.
  • Make sure to change your toothbrush on a regular basis, dentists advise changing the brush every 3 to 4 months or when you notice that the brush bristles are damaged.
  • Make sure to brush your teeth daily, as it is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day or after meals.
  • Make sure to use floss to clean your teeth. The importance of using floss to clean your teeth lies in its ability to reach places that are difficult for the brush to reach, and thus ensures the disposal of food residues and bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  • Be sure to use toothpaste that contains fluoride.
  • Make sure to visit the dentist periodically to check on the health of the mouth and teeth.
  • Make sure to eat a balanced diet while limiting sugary drinks and snacks.

It is worth noting that there are a group of common mistakes that many people make that you must avoid falling into, and the following are the most prominent of these mistakes: [8]

  • Neglecting to brush the teeth may go to sleep.
  • Neglecting to clean the gums, neglecting to clean the gums can increase the chance of disease.
  • Excessive use of teeth whitening materials.
  • Use an old toothbrush. The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush with a new one every 3 to 4 months.
  • Tooth brushing too vigorously can erode the enamel layer and increase the risk of gum tissue damage.
  • Forget dental flossing.
  • Not visiting the dentist regularly.

Teeth cleaning is one of the basic things that you should include in your daily personal care routine. The importance of brushing your teeth is to keep your teeth white and clean along with other benefits. You can clean your teeth either at home using traditional methods or in the dentist’s office in one of the ways. which we have mentioned.

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