Weather: what if the snow made its big comeback on Friday?

by time news

Spring has been offering us its long-awaited mild temperatures and rays of sunshine for a few days now, but… this March pleasure is about to end. According to several weather forecast sites, from Tuesday, the temperatures will begin to drop and the rain will come to most of the territory until Thursday. Worse still, for Friday, these same sites announce… snowfall, north of a line between Cherbourg and Grenoble.

Thus, for Friday April 1 (April Fool’s Day?), the forecaster Mété announces minimum temperatures of zero in certain regions (Lille, Grenoble, Aurillac) and maximum temperatures of 3° (Paris, Nantes, Lyon), with snow on Île-de-France and the East. Same thing for the iPhone weather application, which forecasts minimums of 2°C on Friday in Paris, and a 70% chance that snow will fall that day.

Snow could fall on Friday. (DR)

“We are expecting a fairly clear change in weather in the second half of the week,” confirms Philippe Decker, meteorologist at MétéoNews. “The decline will accelerate day by day, until it does not exceed 10 degrees over the weekend, with a return to milder temperatures afterwards”, analyzes the forecaster.

“Nothing very certain at the moment”

As for the snow announced everywhere, it is “not yet guaranteed”, tempers Philippe Decker. “There is nothing very certain for the moment, given the deadline”. The bad weather could result in “falls of sleet”, he says.

Snowfall in April, is it normal? It is even “relatively common, even if increasingly rare with global warming, notes the meteorologist. But that’s nothing unusual. “So to know if you will have to take out your coat to withstand this cold snap, you will have to wait until Tuesday… “Tomorrow (Monday), the temperatures will remain very mild”, reassures Philippe Decker.

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