Russia demolishes warehouses to empty food and fuel altogether: Chernihiv becomes next Mariupol city

by time news

Liv: Russian forces in Ukraine have intensified attacks again. The Russian military has dropped bombs on the Kharkiv Atomic Research Center, and fired volcanic rockets at food and fuel depots in the city of Lviv. It is feared that the city, like Mariupol, will be looted as the Russian army begins a major sabotage operation in Chernivtsi. Russia launched a war on Ukraine on the 24th of last month to prevent it from joining NATO. The war has been going on for over a month.

For the past few days, Russian forces have been lagging behind in trying to capture the capital, Kiev. Russia is said to have mobilized more troops, while the offensive was somewhat reduced. As a result, Russia intensified airstrikes last night in the Ukrainian city of Lviv, about 60 km from neighboring Poland, on the eve of US President Joe Biden’s visit.

The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a food and gas depot in Lviv. A security guard said three rockets were hurled at the fuel depot. Of these 2 fuel tanks were completely ignited. Similarly, Russia has also targeted food warehouses to supply food to the people. Such warehouses are constantly being targeted and demolished so that the Ukrainian government does not have to store anything for future use. Already, a Russian missile strike has destroyed a fuel storage depot in the Kalinivka region of Irfin, a suburb of the capital Kiev.

In addition, the Russian military says it has destroyed an arms depot near Kiev, an anti-war anti-aircraft system and a number of drones with an S-300 missile capable of firing long-range targets.
The most affected city in the war is Mariupol. Almost all the residential buildings there were destroyed by Russian troops. Government officials have expressed concern that a similar attack is currently underway in Chernivtsi. Like the next Mariupol, the city of Chernihiv is under constant attack by Russian forces.

People staying in the bunkers said they heard the sound of bombs continuing through the night before yesterday. Thus the people who were lurking in the basement of the house wander in the morning with empty cans in search of food and water. There is a severe shortage of water and food. Chernihiv, home to a total population of 2.8 lakh, is home to more than half the population. Russia has already blamed the attack on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for the bombing of a nuclear research center in Kharkiv yesterday. In this, the new Neutron Center building set up for the research and production of radioactive isotopes for medical and industrial purposes was damaged.

At the same time, the Ukrainian army is attacking rebel-held areas of Donetsk and Luhansk. Russia is encircling Ukrainian forces to seize control of the Donbass region, which includes these cities. Ukraine’s Defense Ministry has accused Russia of committing war crimes by throwing white phosphorus bombs at residential areas. In the one month since the war began, 37 lakh people have fled Ukraine and taken refuge in neighboring countries. So far 139 children have been killed in the war.

* Ukraine reclaims 3 villages
Ukrainian forces have confirmed the recapture of the village of Trostiyanets in the province of Zaforjia and two villages in Sumi, Oblast and Poltavka, from Russia. Some of the Russian soldiers who fought there were also taken prisoner. Meanwhile, Russian troops have entered the town of Slavodich, near Chernihiv. This is the city where the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was built to house staff. The governor of the city, Oleksandr, said that people in the city had taken to the streets to protest against Russian forces. The governor said Russian troops had fired shots into the air and people had continued to chant in protest as tear gas was fired. Earlier, it was reported that Governor Oleksandr had been abducted by Russian forces and later released.

* Guerrilla war soon
In an interview yesterday, the Ukrainian military intelligence chief said, “Russia is trying to divide Ukraine. The coyote moves to unite its occupied areas. Therefore, guerrilla attacks will soon begin in Russian-backed areas, ”he said. Guerrilla warfare is a militant group consisting of armed civilians who go into hiding and fight large forces. Meanwhile, Leonid, the leader of the rebel-held Luhansk region, said in an interview yesterday that “Russia has declared Donetsk and Luhansk regions independent territories.” Following that, it has been decided to hold a referendum soon on uniting these regions with Russia, ”he said.

* Putin should not last in the butcher shop regime
US President Joe Biden, who met with Ukrainian refugees in Poland, spoke passionately yesterday. He then criticized Russian President Putin as a ‘butcher’. He also warned that Putin could not stay in power for long. The talks have angered Putin even more. French President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he does not support such talks, which could further complicate matters in Ukraine.

The United States has said in a statement that it would not allow President Putin to wage war or invade Ukraine or any other country. Otherwise we have no strategy to bring about regime change in Russia. Regime change is up to the Russian people, who have to make their own decisions, ”he said.

* Provide weapons Why are you afraid?
Ukrainian President Zhelensky has urged Western nations to provide his country with fighter jets, tanks and missile defense systems. In his video, Gelensky said passionately, “The weapons that are supposed to protect freedom in Europe are dust. The Russian plane could not be shot down by a machine gun. So we need warplanes, tanks, anti-missile systems. What does NATO do? Is it led by Russia? What are they waiting for? As the war has been going on for 32 days, NATO must come forward to help us with a little courage. What we are asking for is only one percent of the weapons that NATO has. You should not give more than that, ” he said. Gelensky also said that he was “outraged” at Russia for pushing its people to starve for food and water.

* People banging to defend Odessa
The port city of Odessa, located on the Black Sea coast, plays a key role in Ukraine’s development. It is the largest port in the country and the headquarters of the Ukrainian Navy. This is why the people of Odessa fear that Russia will target the city next. Russia launched a missile attack from the warship last week. Thus, the fear of the people of Odessa has further increased. Like Mariupol, the Russian army is likely to level the city that toppled Ukraine. Thus, the public has come to the rescue of this city, which has many historical features. Only 1 percent have left here so far. Many are training to carry weapons. The people of Odessa are preparing to risk their lives to protect Odessa if Russia attacks.

* Russian spy caught
During the attack on a warehouse in Lviv, a man videotaped a missile moving towards its target on his cellphone. He has been recaptured by the police. He sent the video and photos taken by him to 2 Russian cell phone numbers. He is therefore under investigation on suspicion that he may be a Russian spy.

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