Shaked: “There will be no political move in this government, the prime minister insists on it”

by time news

The government today (Sunday) approved the interior minister’s proposal, Ayelet ShakedAnd the Minister of Housing, Wolf Elkin, To establish five new settlements in the Negev. With the exception of Meretz ministers, all the ministers supported.

Minister Shaked spoke with Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad on 103FM and commented on the approved proposal: “We divided it into two government meetings, five today and another six on Wednesday. I thought it was unnecessary and worth doing everything at once. These are localities that passed a first government decision in 2014 and eight. For years they were stuck, Elkin and I rescued them and now the settlement division will take on a task to establish them. “

“One of them will be a kibbutz, the head of the kibbutz movement asked for one to be a kibbutz and we agreed that the kibbutz movement would settle one of them and come to Zion Goel. I think this is a very important event, next week there will be five more settlements in the Arava. Raised arguments raised by planning bodies over the years.

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“This is the reason why during Netanyahu’s time these localities were not promoted because even his staff thought so, that one should only strengthen existing localities and not establish new localities for social and economic reasons but to my great joy they were a minority. Other parties supported unanimously including the Labor Party.”

Shaked Shaked also said that “a confirmed locality in Osher today also has a Bedouin scattered in the area and the goal is for them to converge into one regulated locality – that is a good thing. “This has been stuck for many, many years. We are leading a tremendous construction boom in the Negev and this is in addition to a government decision that will pass on Wednesday in the eastern Negev, strengthening cities like Arad Yeruham Dimona and Mitzpe Ramon.”

“All the marketers who were in the south this year were abducted. In Dimona, 3,000 housing units were marketed and every housing unit in the area was abducted. In 2022 there is enough for everyone. It does not come at the expense of the cities and we bring a government decision to strengthen existing cities,” she said.

Referring to the storm caused by the prime minister when he called the territories of Judea and Samaria “the West Bank,” Shaked said she estimated it to be a mistake.

Bennett calls Judea and Samaria the “West Bank.” Photo: Omar Miron, GPO

Shaked later said of the Yesha Council’s campaign against a quiet freeze on construction in Judea and Samaria that “a planning committee should have been published in the last month approving construction plans in Judea and Samaria.” We are pressuring and asking him to convene it as soon as possible, there is no political or political reason to delay and I very much hope that he will announce its convening soon. “

The Minister of the Interior also clarified that there will be no political moves in this government: “We have clarified this in advance and the Prime Minister insists on it. “

Naftali Bennett and Bnei Gantz (Photo: REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun)

At the end, she also referred to the summit of foreign ministers in the Negev and said: “They are coming to present a united front against the agreement with Iran. This is a significant and important achievement of the foreign minister who brought all foreign ministers to Sde Boker to stand by the grave “It is important that all the foreign ministers are there from moderate Sunni Arab countries and this shows that what we have been saying all these years is that Israel can make political and strategic economic ties with the moderate Arab countries without giving homeland ropes.”

These countries understand that Israel is an economic and technological power and it is worth being in touch with it and we all have a partnership of interests and opposition to the agreement that the US leads with Iran. The Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister together made it clear to the Americans that if they want to open a consulate it is not in Jerusalem – Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and of Israel only. There is a consensus on this issue and it has been clarified to Americans more than once. I think they understand that, “she concluded.

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Ofri Glichman, 103fm

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