Do not approach this dangerous drink.. It raises cholesterol levels insane and leads to clogged arteries and heart attack!!

by time news
Do not approach this dangerous drink.. It raises cholesterol levels insane and leads to clogged arteries and heart attack!! – educate me

There are many drinks that are a double-edged sword, and the most important of these drinks is whole milk. Despite the benefits of whole milk, it has many damages, including raising the level of cholesterol in the blood and saturated fats that harm the heart muscle and work on atherosclerosis, and the large number of excess can affect The person accumulates fat around the viscera and under the skin and damages the human body, despite the benefits of whole milk because it contains a high percentage of calcium and phosphorous necessary for building the body. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and harms of whole milk.

Whole milk and its effect on the body.

What we do not know is that whole milk has many diseases that we will learn about through the following points..

  • Whole milk contains a high level of cholesterol, which in excess can lead to strokes and cardiac arrest.
  • This drink can cause high acidity in the stomach, inflammation and cramps in the colon.
  • It can cause heart attacks, so it should be used with caution for people with chronic heart disease.
  • Whole milk raises the blood sugar level, so it is not recommended at all for diabetics, as it destroys the pancreas and disturbs the insulin level in the body.
  • It contains a high percentage of calories that contribute to weight gain and the appearance of the rumen.

Benefits of whole milk.

When we use whole milk in a correct way, we can enjoy many benefits, and we will explain them to you in the following lines.

  • It contains a large proportion of calcium along with vitamin D and vitamin B12, which is known as vitamin iron.
  • In addition, it contains a high percentage of unsaturated fats, which are beneficial for the health of the body.
  • Prevents osteoporosis, joint pain and rheumatism.
  • Very useful for children in body formation, muscle building and body health.
  • It strengthens the teeth and is used to build the body and muscles.

What can be made from whole milk.

Milk has many derivatives that can be made at home with ease. We will explain these derivatives through the following points..

  • Butter can be made from whole milk, which is used in the manufacture of many foods.
  • It is also possible to manufacture baladi ghee, which is one of the most expensive animal products that gives a distinctive flavor and taste to all foods.

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