Another $ 220 million for new startups: “We also see companies that have difficulty recruiting and are recruiting at a lower value than we are used to.”

by time news

One of the funds active in the field of investing in young startups, Glilot Capital, has raised a new fund worth $ 220 million. Kobi Samborsky, co-founder of the Glilot Capital Fund: “This is probably the best time to invest in young companies.”

Source: Pixabay

The year 2021 will be remembered as the record year of Israeli high-tech with offerings, mergers, acquisitions and of course huge fundraisers that repeatedly broke all records. But most of that money has flowed, naturally, to companies that need these mountains of money for marketing, growth and employee retention – the giant companies, which in turn allows investors to seemingly go for sure. Today (Monday) Glilot Capital announces a fourth fund in the amount of $ 220 million, which will be dedicated to startups in their seed stages.

Looking for the next B2D startup

Glilot Capital is one of the most active funds in Israel in investing in companies in the early stages. Only in recent weeks has it announced investments in companies such as Lightlytics, Cider Security, CardinalOps, Rewire and Ermetic. The fund reports that since its inception, it has added 12 exits to its belt including CyberX, LightCyber ​​and IntSights.

The new lime fund, the fourth in number, was funded by Glilot from “leading entrepreneurs in the cyber and SaaS fields, as well as executives in global corporations” and this time the fund plans to invest in young companies in the cyber, software and hot field of recent times – tools for developers (worth reading This article). The fund says that, among other things, the startups in which it will invest will receive assistance in closing first clients, connecting to consultants and more.

Photo: Ben Yitzhaki

Nofar Amikam, a partner in the fund, explains In conversation with Giktiim What is the profile of those entrepreneurs in which the fund seeks to invest: “In early-stage investments, the team has a huge weight in the company’s success and therefore we are looking for strong teams that know how to work together, even in difficult times, and want to build large companies. The entrepreneurs in whom we invest have a passion and a deep understanding of the world of the problem to which they are directed and yet they are very attentive to the needs of the market. ”

Will the blow of the beginning of the year affect the market?

Despite the tremendous impression it left behind in 2021, by 2022 we have already seen how the picture changes slightly with canceled offerings, failed mergers, declining stocks and options losing their value. Kobi Samborsky, another partner in the fund, claims that the market is on an interesting test point: “I think this year we will see more sober investors, investors who continue to give high values ​​but not automatically and to any company that shows ability to grow. On the other hand, we also see companies that have difficulty recruiting or are recruiting at a lower value than we are used to. ”

However, Samborsky notes that the fund is quite optimistic about the place of young startups: “This is probably the best time to invest in young companies… Growing up here is an amazing generation of entrepreneurs who combine technological, business and managerial understanding that I have nowhere else in the world. In the end, we build large companies and it is a long process, as long as the company is built on a real need and with a solid business model, the market situation in 2022 will not really affect in the long run. “

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A good old age

Born with a joystick in hand. He has far too many gadgets and far too little free time to play with them all. An unexplained hammer holder for calibrating device batteries. When he’s not busy writing about technology, he likes to talk about it, and a lot


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