When should you worry about cholesterol? What should you eat?

by time news

Image by Rita E from Pixabay

When should you worry about cholesterol?

The cholesterol value does not create problems as long as it remains between 150 and 200 mg / dl. The risk of developing coronary heart disease occurs when cholesterol fluctuates between 200 and 240 and should be considered “high” if it exceeds 240 mg / dl.

Does pasta lower cholesterol?

The secret lies in choosing wholemeal pasta, which contains more complex carbohydrates and much more fiber than regular pasta. Therefore it offers a greater sense of satiety and prevents the accumulation of fats.

Does tomato lower cholesterol?

How to season the pasta? We must avoid butter, lard, lard and instead prefer polyunsaturated or monounsaturated vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil. The best dressing is tomato which contains lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid. Its contribution, in a minimum of 25 mg, allows to contain LDL cholesterol (ie the “bad” one) up to 10%.

Does pasta with beans raise cholesterol?

No, on the contrary. The combination of legumes and cereals improves protein quality and increases satiety, with very limited doses of lipids and cholesterol.

Does fruit raise cholesterol?

It is advisable to avoid the one rich in fructose and carbohydrates, namely apples, cherries, pears, grapes, dates and dried figs.

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