Survey of seats: Likud continues to strengthen, is that enough to form a government?

by time news

A poll of Channel 12 seats published this morning (Tuesday) examined the distribution of seats in the Knesset, if the elections had taken place today. According to the survey, the Likud will still be the largest party in Israel, and even if it increases the gap from the other party, there is a future, when it holds 34 seats compared to 18.

Immediately after that comes Shas and religious Zionism with 9 seats and 8 seats respectively, as well as blue and white which holds 8 seats. The second ultra-Orthodox party, Torah Judaism comes to 7 seats in this poll.

The party of Prime Minister Bennett and Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked once again receives only 6 seats, the same amount as the joint list and the Labor Party. Behind them are Yisrael Beiteinu and Ra’am with 5 each, and at the bottom of the list is a new hope and Meretz that barely pass the blocking percentage with 4 seats.

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On the question of eligibility for prime minister, opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu continues to lead the table with 45% approval, with Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Yair Lapid in second place with 17%. Prime Minister Bennett with 9% and Defense Minister Bnei Gantz last on the list with 7% The percentage of respondents who answered that they do not know who is best suited for the position of Prime Minister was 22%.

In addition, the survey found that 58% of Israeli citizens believe that the government’s performance in the political-security field is “overall bad”, compared to only 38% who defined the field as “good” The government also fails in its conduct in the economic field (66% to Versus 30%), while the majority of respondents to the survey also claimed that Prime Minister Bennett is misbehaving in the face of the Iranian threat (44% versus 29%, with a further 27% responding that they do not know).

Divided into blocs, the right-wing parties in opposition (Likud, Religious Zionism, Shas and Torah Judaism) together hold 58 seats. In contrast, the current coalition parties receive only 56 seats.

The traditional image of the 36th government (Photo: Jonathan Zindel, Flash 90)

Despite this, half of the respondents claimed that the government is functioning well against the corona virus (50% vs. 46%). In addition, 48% of respondents believe that the government will complete its days, compared to 42% who believe that the Knesset will dissolve earlier than expected, and another 10% who responded that they do not know.

The survey was conducted among 509 respondents, in a representative sample of the general population. The survey was conducted using Internet and telephone. Each sector is sampled according to its relative share in the population. The survey was conducted by a sample institute headed by Mano Geva and in collaboration with iPanel. The maximum sampling error is 4.4% + -.

Mano Geva: “If the elections had been held today, we would be at a dead end again”

Meanwhile, Mano Geva spoke with Golan Yokfaz and Anat Davidov on their program on 103FM in order to comment on the results of the survey. According to Geva, who revealed new details about the poll, if the election had been held today, Israel would have been “at a dead end.”

“Being the big party is important, but what determines it is whether there are 61,” stressed the veteran pollster, who added that “without Netanyahu it could look different. In buildings, anything can be, but we can be here with unions of parties. The political map can vary”.

On the government’s performance in the security field, in which the public determined that it was not good enough, Mano said that “there is an issue here, I do not know, it is impossible to know whether because of the severe attack, it can certainly affect the sense of security.”

On those asked about the end of the government term: “It shows a high degree of uncertainty, should address the issue of thinking yes and no, it more fully knows, it really reflects a real reality whereby people do not know how to say”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Michal Kadosh, 103fm

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