A deadly poison…. stay away from these foods. You will lose your life in the blink of an eye. The worst food that causes high cholesterol is very dangerous. Stay away from it immediately.

by time news
A deadly poison…. stay away from these foods. You lose your life in the blink of an eye. The worst food that causes high cholesterol is very dangerous. Stay away from it immediately – educate me

The body must be built through food, as the body cannot give up food, however, there are some foods that are more harmful than beneficial to the body. Chronic diseases such as sugar and pressure and many other examples, and in this article we will show you foods that are harmful to health.

Foods that harm the health of the body:-

  • Foods that contain a lot of oils and fats are harmful to the health of the body because they cause obesity diseases and also work on cholesterol and heart diseases, as they work on atherosclerosis in the blood.
  • Some meats that contain a large proportion of fat, and also why lamb, these fats are very harmful to health as they work on the formation of fat inside the body and destroy health, and also cause many problems for the stomach and weaken the digestion process in it and cause stomach infections, and it also works on cirrhosis of the liver. And there are many kidney problems.
  • Also, excessive intake of sugar is one of the dangerous things that destroy the body and raise the level of cholesterol in the blood, which leads to an increase in the rate of sugar in the blood. It also causes lowering of blood pressure. Eating sweets in abundance destroys the pancreas in the body.

Steps to follow to maintain a healthy body:

  • A person should eat healthy foods and stay away from foods that contain a lot of fats or sugars, and you should also not overeat meat because it is also a double-edged sword and it has benefits, but excessive consumption of it has many harms, and it is preferable that most foods be boiled to ensure that they are Fat free.

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