Parcoursup divides candidates from left and right, Yannick Jadot criticizes intensive agriculture in Brittany… Today’s political news

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The world keeps the synopsis of the campaign for the presidential election of 2022: a daily update, published at 7 p.m., analyzes the political events of the past day and discusses the appointments to come.

Last day to express your wishes on Parcoursup, which has become a divisive subject for candidates

Senior high school students have until 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday to formulate their wishes in Parcoursup, the higher education admissions platform criticized by all presidential candidates – with the exception of Emanuel Macron.

The President of the Republic praised his “tremendous success” with “better results” than the previous system, Admission post-bac (APB), which was also called into question by the students, their parents and the educational community. The candidate added, however, that it was necessary “continue the work of improving the orientation that has begun” Parcoursup.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Parcoursup, a divisive subject of the presidential campaign

Valérie Pécresse, for her part, wishes to keep Parcoursup while attacking its opacity: for “avoiding insider trading in guidance”the right-wing candidate says she wants to return “Parcoursup’s local algorithms are transparent and accessible”. A position also adopted by Eric Zemmour. On the far right, Marine Le Pen is the only candidate to propose a deletion: “I judge the tree by its fruits and, the least we can say, is that Parcoursup was not a great success”she said in particular.

On the left, his disappearance is unanimous. Anne Hidalgo wants “delete Parcoursup”, “to restore equitable access for French high school students to higher education”just like the ecologist Yannick Jadot, for whom “this black box system that defines your future is unbearable”. Fabien Roussel, who also wants “end it”described Parcoursup as ““Koh-Lanta” of vocational guidance, but without immunity totem”.

“I will repeal Parcoursup, this ignominy”, also launched, at the beginning of March, Jean-Luc Mélenchon. A few months before, the candidate of La France insoumise had mentioned a “vocation breaker”. He assumes not “replace it with nothing”. “If there is a lack of places, we must create them”he declared on M6, on March 25.

Image of the day: Yannick Jadot feet in the sand to denounce intensive farming in Brittany

The environmental candidate Yannick Jadot was traveling in the bay of Saint-Brieuc, with Daniel Salmon (on the right), senator of Ille-et-Vilaine, on March 29, 2022. Here at the beach of Hillion (Côtes-d' Armor), victim of the proliferation of green algae.  AGNES DHERBEYS / MYOP FOR “THE WORLD”

Feet in the sand and head under the clouds of the Breton sky, Yannick Jadot went to the bay of Saint-Brieuc, in Hillion (Côtes-d’Armor), on Tuesday, to address a question dear to environmentalists: the green algae. In various places, the Breton coast is invaded by these algae, the growth of which is fed by rivers that flow into the sea with too many nitrates, due to excessive fertilization of agricultural soils upstream, frequently accompanied by washing of the land by the rains.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers For Yannick Jadot, the fear of the missed opportunity

“Green algae is linked to industrial farming effluents, especially pig farming here. We are at three thousand pigs per square kilometer, it is considerable in terms of concentration. For years, not only were the effluents not treated, but the governments increasingly authorized the expansion of buildings”, denounced Mr. Jadot to the press. An attempt at the opposite on the eve of the great oral of the candidates before the National Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FNSEA), whose environmental candidate refused the invitation.

Number of the day: 5

Deprived of leaving for five days because she was infected with Covid-19, the candidate of the Les Républicains (LR) party, Valérie Pécresse, tried on Tuesday to revive her presidential campaign, still with the hope of making lie “the scenario written in advance” of a second round between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen.

No more Zoom meetings and remote interviews! Valérie Pécresse went to the lands – rather favorable to her candidacy – of Xavier Bertrand, former rival of the LR congress and president of the Hauts-de-France regional council, for a stroll through the streets of Roubaix (North).

Quote of the day: “I would retain in Jesus the subversive figure”, declares Jean-Luc Mélenchon

The Young Catholic Quarterly Review Mission asked presidential candidates an unusual question: who do you think Jesus is? Nathalie Arthaud, Philippe Poutou, Fabien Roussel did not respond. “Jesus? It would be green today, that’s for sure! », commented Yannick Jadot, in a text published on Tuesday. “If I wanted to be teasing, I would retain in Jesus the subversive figure, slip the“rebellious” Jean-Luc Melenchon. It embraces conflict to create awareness. » “Jesus is my little brother, assures Jean Lassalle. (…) He’s a bit of a fool like me: most of the time, he talks when he should be quiet, he comes out of almost nowhere and, basically, for ordinary mortals, he’s not going anywhere either. »

Read also: Presidential Candidates Perform Jesus in “Mission” Magazine

“Jesus, for me, is a somewhat solitary and visionary hero” equipped with a “singular ability to find the right words to bring people together and address their contemporaries” while being careful of “Hate” explains socialist Anne Hidalgo. For the candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, he is the man of the “sacrifice for love (…). Not everyone has a vocation to save men, of course! But you can save your country by the sacrifice of your own life..

Guillaume Herbaut’s campaign diary

For four weeks, the photographer Guillaume Herbaut publishes in The worldevery day, a photo that tells the atmosphere of France during this presidential campaign.

Guillaume Herbaut : His nickname is Topyou on Leboncoin. She sells an SEB yogurt maker, a connected watch, Adriana Karembeu glasses clips and Eric Zemmour’s latest book, France has not said its last word (Rubempré, 2021). She always resells the books after reading them. She gave us an appointment in the parking lot of the Lidl, boulevard du Scorff in Lorient, where she arrives with her Mini, on March 19, 2022. She is 58 years old. She is the manager of a joint ownership company. She is divorced with no children. She will not vote Zemmour in the first round. “He doesn’t have the build, (…) I have voted for Le Pen for a long time. In 2002, this was already the case. For me, immigration is the most important. I’m afraid of the “great replacement”. Of course, for the Ukrainian refugees, that’s good, but perhaps you have to think of the French first before you can help them. In France, there are too many tasks and, to succeed, our young people have to go and work abroad. No, they will not be immigrants, but expatriates. »

The campaign in the archives of “Le Monde”… In 2002, the teachers’ vote was already largely different from the Socialist Party

Archive du

In 1977, the Sofres institute carried out a survey to The world on teachers’ votes in the presidential election. At the time, “only 1% lined up on the right and 1% on the extreme right”notes the journalist Nathalie Guibert, on March 29, 2002, when it comes to taking stock of this very precious electorate to the social democratic left, a few weeks before a new ballot.

Read also: The day when… In 2002, the teacher vote was already largely different from the Socialist Party

Twenty-five years after the first poll, a new study by Sofres shows a radical evolution: 23% of respondents say they intend to vote for the outgoing president – ​​from the right – Jacques Chirac. Its Prime Minister – from the left – Lionel Jospin, remains in the lead, with 29% of those questioned in favor of his candidacy.

Overall, the profession is “unexcited” : none of the three ministers of the seven-year term (Claude Allègre, François Bayrou and Jack Lang) obtains, in the eyes of the respondents, the average in an evaluation of their action on a scale of zero to ten. The proposals emerging from the campaign do not correspond to their central expectations, which are, in order: a maximum legal threshold of pupils per class, the restoration of a possible orientation before the 3e and the creation of new teaching posts. Finally, for more than half of the teachers, “the positions of politicians”whether left or right, “are “little” or “not” different”.

On the agenda for Wednesday 30 March

Tours of France. Yannick Jadot goes to Oise, to Conchy-les-Pots, to visit the future health center, then to Margny-sur-Matz, to meet the inhabitants and managers of the local inn. Anne Hidalgo is traveling in the Pas-de-Calais and must meet the activists of the Socialist Party of Liévin in the evening. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is also in Hauts-de-France, in Lille, in the middle of the day.

In the fields. It is the turn of the National Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FNSEA), the majority union in the profession, to organize the hearing of candidates for the presidential election on the occasion of its congress. Twelve minutes of intervention and a short sequence of questions and answers are planned for the six candidates announced: Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen, Eric Zemmour, Valérie Pécresse, Fabien Roussel and Jean Lassalle. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot and Anne Hidalgo declined the invitation.

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