Valérie Pécresse clarifies her measure on the conditionality of the RSA at fifteen hours of activity per week

by time news

In the home stretch, the Republican candidate, Valérie Pécresse, tries to mark her difference with Emmanuel Macron, despite serious campaign turbulence. It thus specifies, Tuesday, March 29, its measure of conditionality of the income of solidarity activity (RSA) to fifteen hours of activity per week, similar to that of the candidate president, in an interview granted to the readers of the daily The Parisian.

Repeating that ” beneficiaries [du RSA] will not do a proper job”candidate LR stresses that“it will be more about integration activities offered to people very far from employment”. Just as Emmanuel Macron also defends.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Valérie Pécresse wants to force RSA beneficiaries to fifteen hours of activity

On the other hand, Valérie Pécresse insists on the fact that she does not wish to pay any additional consideration to the recipients of the RSA, the amount of which will be increased by 10% on 1is April, thus reaching 575.72 euros. She actually judges “legitimate”given the level of “net smic” close to « 1 200 euros »to pay “575 euros for fifteen hours” of activity per week, while several left-wing candidates and unions denounce “underpaid jobs”.

“It’s not about making them feel guilty. [les allocataires] but to help them find a path to reintegration. In RSA, there is “active solidarity” so we have to help the beneficiaries to gradually return to the path of employment”, defends the candidate, specifying that it will be up to the departments, in charge of the payment of this allowance, to specify and “ jug[er] what type of activity these beneficiaries p[ourront] make “.

Targeted attacks against Mr. Macron

Emmanuel Macron has also announced that he wants to condition the RSA to fifteen to twenty hours of weekly activity in order to “facilitate professional integration”. If there is no question “compulsory activity”, the outgoing Head of State affirmed that “if there is work”any beneficiary of the RSA would however be “paid at least minimum wage”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron: his proposal to condition the RSA to an activity provokes controversy

Since revealing this campaign promise, candidate LR has accused Emmanuel Macron of Plagiarismbelieving that the outgoing head of state is resuming his measures, like, too, the pension reform.

If she also pleads for retirement at 65, candidate LR took advantage of a question from a reader to reiterate this attack on Mr. Macron: “Would he have had the courage to announce that if I hadn’t done so before?” And you saw that on Sunday, he began to back down, saying that it would not be a priority reform for a second five-year term. Even when he tries to plagiarize me, very very quickly, he backs off! »

See the comparator: Compare the programs of the main candidates

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