APCO promotes Killer T Cell, expands HIV-cancer group online, opens pet food supplement business : InfoQuest

by time news

Mr. Pichet Wiriyachitra, Chief Executive Officer of Asian Phyto-Sucials Public Company Limited (APCO), the owner of natural innovation business for health and beauty through research, development, production and distribution of full range, revealed that from experience in Stimulating Killer T Cells with edible plant extracts It was the principle for developing the world’s first undetectable immunotherapy regimen for HIV-positive people and for patients with cancer of all parts of the body. Handled more than 2,000 problems

The latest technology can be used to extract and improve the immunotherapy formula. To increase the number of Killer T Cells to a level suitable for use as immunotherapy for each type of disease, APCO has therefore focused on the use of Killer T Cells in its business expansion as follows:

1. Established KILLER T CELL CO., LTD. for those who are interested in applying this innovation to use in the Wellness Center for distribution both domestically and internationally. For use in the prevention and treatment of viral, fungal, bacterial infections. and cancer symptoms at all stages

2. Establish a Killer T Cell Therapy for HIV Center in cooperation with medical institutions in Thailand Providing services for infected people from all over the world to receive services in Thailand and/or use the online Remote Monitoring system in the same way as Telemedicine for those who cannot travel to receive services in Thailand. An MOU is now being signed with Eco Green Concept Company to bring infected people from abroad. undergo treatment in this center Approximately 200 people per month, starting in 2Q22

3. Establish KILLER T CELL FOR PETS CO., LTD. together with a specialist veterinarian To use innovative immune therapy with Killer T Cells to treat pets with cancer, fungal infections, bacteria, AIDS and other viruses. that does not yet have a cure Distributed widely both in Thailand and abroad. The goal is to have a turnover of 10 million baht in Thailand in 65 and prepare to be sold to Taiwan and the United States in late 65 or early ’66.

For businesses that are already in operation The company plans to expand its market with the success of its HIV immunotherapy, which has already been announced as the world’s first success. in making the infected person undetectable without the use of antiviral drugs and have continued good health It is expected that sales from this innovation will increase by 50% from last year.

section on cancer immunotherapy The company aims to conduct comprehensive online marketing. including opening an online patient counseling center by the Faculty of Medical Sciences which consists of Doctors, scientists and pharmacists every week are expected to continue to increase sales from this innovation.

At the same time, innovation formula of culture which causes aging, anti-aging, and longevity and good health. Apco Health Ambassador (AHA : APCO Health Ambassador) introduces innovations to those who love and wish well. Along with giving a reward of approximately 2,000,000 baht for health ambassadors who can refer 1,000 consumers, this method will quickly reach 20,000 continuous consumers. If the project is successful Expected to result in a 3x increase in earnings

Business operations in foreign countries The company continues to monitor and support its partners to continually increase sales in China. and began to support licensed partners in Indonesia to further increase sales of immunization products faster in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. eased and facilitated transportation of goods

However, if such operations has been successful as planned It is expected that the operating results of the company in 2022 will grow at least 50% and maintain a gross profit margin of not less than 80%.

By InfoQuest News Agency (30 Mar 65)

Tags: APCO, Pichet Wiriyachitra, Pet Food Supplements, Asian Phyto Sutics

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