Pilber: I told Dana that I had a regular date with Mandelblit near the challah in the supermarket

by time news

The second half of the fourth day, in the testimony of state witness Shlomo Pilber, began with the question of the plaintiff, Adv.

At the end of the meeting, Elowitz sent an email to the company’s CEO Stella Handler, stating that Pilber intends to accept many of their demands, and Pilber was asked to address him.

“I came to his house, there was a document waiting for Sharon Fleischer with all kinds of suggestions and dictates. It was a holiday. We wanted to take it out on the eve of a holiday, Stella was not there so I came to ask, at the end it rolled to the end of December. “I stopped. Tzachi stopped it for me. For my part, I am faithful to my approach, that I want to reach the finish line on all three of these issues together,” Pilber said.

Tirosh later asked Pilber, “Why did you share Elovich with your intention of firing Haran for the future?”, To which he replied, “It’s not firing. “It takes place between 11 and 12 and at one point a huge article appears in Globes about the separation. I send an email and ask if anyone has spoken and no one speaks.”

Pilber went on to tell the story, when he found out in a conversation with Partner’s CEO that Lebaot had met with him and revealed to him the information he had received during the meeting with Pilber at the office. Are you Elowitz? do not remember”.

Pilber explained that Partner was in distress at the time, “I inherited an unbalanced market. Following the reform of Kahlon Cellcom and Partner came to loss reports, and I tried to lead an investment move. “Partner’s goal was to stop the market and telephony was the way to do it.”

Later in the testimony, Tirosh presents Pilber with a letter of response to Bezeq’s allegations sent on behalf of the company, in which, in response to Bezeq’s allegations that no dialogue was held with them, nothing was said about his relationship with Bezeq executives. Pilber replied, “Telephony was the thing that prevented me from reaching an explosion in front of Bezeq, and on the other hand, telephony was the least important thing to me, even though for Bezeq it was important.”

“The fact that at the end of two years there was no telephony is true. On the other hand with Haran and Stella they would agree on a price – there was a telephony. If it was up to me only it would happen in early 2016. , “Pilber stressed.

Tirosh asked Pilber during the testimony about Netanyahu’s conflict of interest proceedings with Bezeq. Pilber said that after Gidi Weitz’s article and the letter she sent on the subject of Zehava Gal-On, the ministry’s attorney general, Dana Neufeld, contacted him and said that the Ministry of Justice had begun an investigation into the conflict of interest.

“Once I realized that there was an issue here, I knew that the minister – the prime minister I can not turn to, the government decision on the appointment of Mandelblit was made but he still stood in the High Court. I met him in Petah Tikva and asked him about it. He told me he did not want to respond until the High Court decided, but it was not very important. Later I met with him again, and he also told me that he was testing but it should not affect my work. I did not trust Dana, and I felt comfortable talking to him. At one point I talked to Dana Neufeld and told her that I also talk to Mandelblit, I told her that I had a regular date with him near the challah in the supermarket, that’s how I presented it to her. “From that stage, it became clear that I was not supposed to work with Netanyahu, and in everything we need, they should be consulted in legal advice.”

Tirosh asked Pilber what he wanted to achieve in a meeting between him and Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General Dina Zilber, and this confirmed that the goal was to soften Nathan Yahu’s motives for engaging in Ministry of Communications matters. Of the media, that’s what was important to us and that’s what we wanted to spend. “

Pilber was asked about the meeting in which he updated Netanyahu on the conflict of interest investigation, and said that it was held in January-February 2016, “I told him an investigation was opened. He heard and did not say anything significant. Later I was in a meeting during which Sarah came in. Netanyahu asked her if she corresponded with “Iris Elowitz and she said she stopped and deleted the correspondence. So Netanyahu told her – do not do it anymore.”

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