“We snatched her head”: The widow moved hundreds of women

by time news
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Hundreds of women immigrated last night (Tuesday) to the town of Chumash in order to take part in a particularly invested and exciting women’s evening that took place there. Upon learning of the attack in Bnei Brak, the evening, which was planned to be an evening of joy, became an evening of prayer for the healing of the wounded of the attack and for the upliftment of the souls of the murdered.

The evening was opened by Rabbi Elishama Cohen, Rosh Yeshivat Chumash, with words of encouragement. The presence was then moved by Attia Dimentman, the widow of Yehuda the 14th, who strengthened the women from Yehuda’s spirit.

Atia Dimentman, the widow of Yehuda the 14th, moved the women with a special message: “After the deportation from Gush Katif, our public was shaken, some despaired, and our connection to the Land of Israel loosened up a bit,” she said. “Maybe he came to shake each and every one of us, to ask where we are here in the face of these tasks.”

“Getting up for work is important, but what about bringing redemption?” She added. The people of Israel and the Torah of Israel. “

“In Judea there was a wonderful combination of everything, also a burning soul connection to the Land of Israel, also a great love of Israel for everyone, and above all adherence to the Torah, devotion to Torah study in this place, and maybe that should be adopted. Everyone here is an ambassador of all these things. And each one operates where it can.

Rebbetzin Naomi Ben Natan, and the mother of the artist Racheli Bender, told the women: “Everyone who came here loves the Land of Israel. Everyone who is here understands that this is the holy root of our people, this is the connection to God. The eyes of the Lord your God are on it from the beginning of the year until the end of the year “

The Yeshivat Chumash reported: “Since the assassination of a student of the Chumash Yeshiva, Yehuda Dimentman, 14, Chumash has been at the center of a public struggle to save the yeshiva.”

“The plan to demolish the Chumash was implemented immediately after the assassination and includes a Border Police force that is frequently located in the Chumash, checkpoints set up on the Chumash access roads in order to dissolve public support for the Chumash and isolate the yeshiva and its students. “Every day, the policy towards the young people who come with dedication to study Torah is hardened.”

“But on the other hand, the tremendous support of a huge public that never stops coming and visiting the Chumash, proves that the place will remain, and continue to operate. Every day many supporters come to the Chumash, and at the yeshiva we prepare for the huge march that will take place with the name on Passover.”

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