“Americans will be able to access all the personal data of Europeans” Eric Denécé

by time news

In this essential interview, we received Eric Denécé, director of the French Center for Intelligence Research, to comment on the agreement on the transfer to the United States of Europeans’ personal data concluded at the European summit on March 25 between Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and US President Joe Biden. ” It went almost unnoticed “, deplores the political scientist, who also gives us his analysis of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

Eric Denécé begins by recalling that a first exchange on the transfer of personal data of citizens in Europe to the United States had been invalidated by the Court of Justice of the European Union in July 2020. This had considered that the guarantees security in data processing were not respected in the United States under, in particular, the American law on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. By this text, the Americans can dig into the data that we transmit to them as they wish using the argument of national security, which opens the door to all abuses “Warns the political scientist who judges that Ursula von der Leyen took advantage of the Ukrainian crisis to adopt this agreement, however unfair. He recalls: There is no data reciprocity with the Americans. ” And to insist on the benefit that the latter will be able to derive from it: ” We know that all of the NSA’s eavesdropping since 2002 in the fight against terrorism has been used for economic warfare and not for the fight against attacks. »

The former intelligence officer during the Cold War also returned to the biased discourse of the mainstream press about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict: ” We are now in the management of perception, it is no longer the truth that counts “, he believes. The doctor of political science adds that the authorities tend, with the support of television channels, to artificially worsen crises, like that of Covid-19, “ to achieve specific goals “. If he wonders if these manipulations are made in the direction of European or American interests, for him, on the Ukrainian file, there is no doubt that the European States act in the direction of the only interests of the latter to the detriment of their own .

Eric Denécé also evokes the diplomatic game of Europeans and Turks. If the voice of the former has been completely set aside, Sergei Lavrov judging that the European Union can no longer be considered as a “State guaranteeing confidence”, the latter have been able to hold their own. Indeed, Russia now a contempt for Europe, which she thinks is totally aligned with American interests, and this, on all subjects. For them, ” not only have we become auxiliaries of the Americans, but we have also taken on all the failings of American society five or ten years late: wokism, political correctness, the media which are mainstream… “, he explains.

In addition, the political scientist recalls that not only did the EU not put pressure on President Zelensky, elected to apply the Minsk agreements, of which France and Germany were supposed to ensure compliance having taken part in the negotiations, but she gives arms to the Ukrainians in a displayed way, ” an absolutely outrageous form of co-belligerency “, he believes. Furthermore, their indiscriminate delivery poses the risk that they end up in the hands of terrorist and criminal groups.

Finally, Eric Denécé will emphasize the disrespect of the American state for the rule of law: “ In 30 years, the Americans have reinstated torture (they did it at Guantanamo), they have validated torture by their lawyers in the justice department, they impose extraterritorial sanctions on all their partners, they have violated international law both in Kosovo declaring war on a country that had done nothing to them, they invaded Iraq in 2003, their forces are deployed in 177 countries in the world, they have a defense budget nine and a half times the budget Russian… And to point out that they systematically act in the interests of their interests only in defiance of those of their allies: ” Can we trust a nation that overnight decides that Cuba becomes a country with which we can do business when French companies were sanctioned for doing business with Cuba some time later. Or Iran, or Venezuela, or Saudi Arabia ». « They are unpredictable “, he concludes.

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