Ukraine, glimmers of peace: Italy is missing among the guarantors for now

by time news

Russia-Ukraine war, glimmers of peace: Italy is missing among the guarantors

To shape a international agreement between Russia and Ukraine, Kiev proposes that there be at least a dozen guarantors. At the moment, certain are the members of the UN Security Council, excluding Russia. They will have to ensure that the points established by the vegan peace agreement are respected.

For the moment, the I.taly is not included in the group. However, it could be added at a later time, as would Germany, Turkey, Poland, Canada and Israel. In the event of aggression, the guarantors will have the task of intervening on the model ofArticle 5 of NATOwhich binds all member states to collective defense in the event of an attack on a nation.

Mario Draghi and Volodymyr Zelensky had discussed the hypothesis of a entry from Italy in the circle of countries guaranteeing security in the event of a peace agreement. The Italian premier confirmed support for Kiev.

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