Disembarked French Military Intelligence Chief Zelensky Believes ‘Nobody’ About Downsizing Russian Activities

by time news

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The context

  • The head of French military intelligence, General Eric Vidaud, will leave his post following in particular what was judged as an insufficiency of his services on the Russian invasion in Ukraine, learned Agence France-Presse (AFP) from military sources and close to the file. A military source confirmed the immediate departure of the head of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DRM), according to information from the Opinion site. The latter cites an internal source at the Ministry of the Armed Forces evoking « briefings insuffisants » and one “lack of subject knowledge”.
  • Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskysaid on Wednesday that he did not believe Moscow’s promises to “drastically reduce” its military activity around kyiv, and that its army was preparing for new fighting in the east of the country. “We don’t believe anyone, not a single beautiful phrase”Zelensky said in a video address to the nation, adding that Russian forces were regrouping to attack the Donbass region.
  • “The Russians used phosphorus shells again today in Marinka”a small town in eastern Ukraine, the head of the military administration of the Donetsk region, Pavel Kyrylenko, said on Telegram. “A dozen fires [causés par ces obus] were located and brought under control by personnel from the National Emergency Service”he continued. phosphorus weapons are incendiary weapons whose use is prohibited against civilians, but not against military targets, under a convention signed in 1980 in Geneva.
  • The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced the establishment of a “silent diet”or a local ceasefirefrom 10 a.m. Thursday in the besieged Ukrainian port of Marioupol to evacuate civilians. This measure should make it possible to open a humanitarian corridor to the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhia, according to the ministry. “For this humanitarian operation to succeed, we propose to carry it out with the direct participation of representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Committee of the Red Cross”the ministry added in a statement.
  • A senior US Pentagon official said tonight that Russian forces are beginning to withdraw from the Chernobyl nuclear site, which they had taken control of on the first day of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, to go to Belarus. The Russian army has also started to withdraw from Hostomel airport, northwest of kyiv, he added.

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Investigation. Ukraine-Russia: cinema on the front line

Decryptions. Ukrainian refugees: the United Kingdom criticized for the slowness of issuing visas

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