Direct Presidential: “my subject is the fight against the great replacement but the French are turning away from it with Ukraine” insists Zemmour

by time news

McKinsey: the government defends itself against disproportionate use of consulting firms

Clash of civilizations according to Zemmour

“There cannot be two civilizations on French soil. Two civilizations that clash, ”continues the ex-controversialist, who does not mention other campaign themes in his interview on RTL.

“Beware of emotion” recalls Zemmour on Ukrainian refugees

“Be careful, we are a generous people, who have welcomed Spanish refugees, Asian refugees. But I say be careful, be careful, we discovered that there were a third of Africans and North Africans among the supposedly Ukrainian refugees. Beware of emotion as with little Aylan for the Syrians, ”insists Zemmour.

“Everyone was wrong” about Ukraine for Zemmour

“I think almost everyone was wrong about American aggression…sorry Russian. The one who holds the subject of the campaign. My subject is the fight against the great replacement. From the moment there is a war in Europe, the French turn away from this subject. This does not make disappear the major risk of change of people which awaits us on the horizon 2050”, declared the candidate of Reconquest! on RTL this Thursday morning.

“The irresponsibility” of pro-nuclear presidential candidates for Greenpeace

Seven Greenpeace activists were arrested early Thursday after breaking into the EPR reactor site in Flamanville (Manche) to denounce the “irresponsibility” of pro-nuclear presidential candidates, a spokesperson told AFP. word of the NGO on the spot.

Since 5:30 a.m., a dozen activists, some of whom are chained, have also been blocking vehicle access to the two main entrances to the site. Seven others managed to enter the site and unfurl a banner proclaiming “Nuclear: Macron irresponsible” near the reactor under construction, before being arrested, according to Cécile Génot, communications officer at Greenpeace France.

Does Emmanuel Macron defend wine to the detriment of public health?

“There has been nothing done about alcohol for five years,” said doctor Bernard Basset, president of the association Addictions France.

With other organizations, which bring together most of the world of addictology in France, this association accused the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron, of persistent “conflicts of interest” with the wine sector at the end of March.

This press release reacted to an article in Le Monde questioning the action at the Elysee Palace of an adviser to Mr. Macron, Audrey Bourolleau, from the wine industry. Quoting several e-mails, the daily shows that this one, since leaving to found the school of agriculture Hectar, asked to reduce the terms of certain public health campaigns against the consumption of alcohol.

However, the concerns of the health world go beyond this isolated case. Since the start of the five-year term, addictologists have regularly criticized Emmanuel Macron on two levels: insufficient actions in the face of alcohol and statements deemed complacent on wine.

Can Mélenchon reach the second round?

This is one of the unknowns of the ballot: will the leader of the Insoumis, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, succeed in reaching the second round, which he failed to do in 2017? With around 15% of the voting intentions, he moved into third place.

The LFI candidate is accelerating the deployment of his troops in working-class neighborhoods in order to mobilize an electorate inclined to abstain, while also agitating the “scarecrow” of the far right.

Emmanuel Macron in Charentes Maritimes this Thursday

Emmanuel Macron returns to the field on Thursday anxious to widen his lead, less marked according to the polls, over Marine Le Pen, in what presents itself, unless surprised, more and more like a remake of 2017.

Ten days before the first round of the presidential election on April 10, the president-candidate, who is campaigning at the very least at the risk of appearing distant, goes to Charente-Maritime, to Fouras, to meet residents and traders, like in Dijon on Monday. “He has to campaign thoroughly to show that we are in the game”, assures a majority official.

He will notably defend his environmental record, criticized, by speaking of state investments to clean up an old landfill now buried whose waste threatens to flow into the ocean, according to his campaign team. This new visit to the field, a few days before his big meeting at the Paris Arena on Saturday – the first and probably the last of the first round – comes at a time when the gap is narrowing with his far-right opponent. according to the polls of voting intentions of the first and second round.

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