A stone smashed a window and missed the toddler’s head – but the bag was closed

by time news

The investigation file of the stone attack near the ‘Al Arub’ bridge on Road 60 was closed, as the police claimed that the identity of the terrorist was unknown.

The stone attack, which took place about three weeks ago, ended miraculously without any casualties, after a one-and-a-half-year-old toddler who was in the vehicle was hit by glass from a window that shattered near her head due to the stone being hit.

If the family filed a complaint with the police about the attempted murder, but as stated – the case was closed.

In a letter sent by Adv. Bleicher to the Investigations and Intelligence Division of Etzion, the description of the stone attack:

My client traveled with her young children – her 7-year-old son and her one-and-a-half-year-old toddler daughter. One of the stones hit the rear car window next to the little girl, shattering it completely. When, miraculously, despite the direct injury and much panic, the serious incident ended without injury to the body and without loss of control. “

According to him, the phenomenon of stone attacks has become a daily routine for the residents of the area: Unfortunately it has been proven in the past that stones can kill! And this should be treated with due severity. It is important to note that this incident is part of a relentless chain of stone attacks at the site.

A-A-Aruv Junction and the road to and from it, have become a growing focus of terrorist incidents and stone-throwing, which have intensified especially in recent days. An aggressive action is needed to locate the perpetrators and punish them, in order to restore deterrence and security to the residents who travel on the axis on a daily basis. ”

As stated, the investigation file for the stone attack was closed due to an ‘unknown criminal’ according to the police.

In response to the closure of the case, Advocate Bleicher said: “From the beginning, the case should have been treated as if the worst had happened and the stone would have hit the baby sitting in the vehicle. We wonder how it is that the General Security Service was not involved in the picture and did not lead to the rapid capture of the suspects. We demand the activity and involvement of the GSS for any such incident, which will carry out the arrest of suspects at any cost. “

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