the senators denounce the insufficiency of the Ségur de la santé

by time news

With a bouquet of 80 recommendations made public on Thursday March 31, the senators are looking into the hospital crisis, highlighted and aggravated by two years of health crisis. Reduction in the number of beds, shortage of nurses, closure of emergency services for lack of medical staff… At the request of the group Les Républicains, a commission of inquiry into « the situation of the hospital and the health system in France » was formed in the fall of 2021 and has heard, since December, medical and administrative managers of establishments, doctors and hospital caregivers, city care professionals, or even public bodies and local elected officials.

If the 295-page report does not contain shattering recommendations, it brings to the fore a subject desperately absent from the debates of the presidential campaign, to the chagrin of caregivers. He makes a diagnosis and proposes a set of remedies for the hospital which now finds a wide echo in the political class.

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“To stop the negative spiral in which establishments are drawn”, the commission, chaired by the socialist Bernard Jomier, and of which the senator LR Catherine Deroche is rapporteur, calls for ensuring a “sustainable funding consistent with health needs”but also to give back “freedom and autonomy for healthcare teams and establishments” and “attractiveness and meaning in care professions”.

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The senators come back to one of the triggers of this report: what about the part of beds closed in the hospital on a recurring basis, for lack of personnel? The publication of the shock figure of 20%, put forward in a report by the Scientific Council of October 5, 2021, was immediately challenged by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, who had brandished, a few weeks later in December, after investigation by the Directorate General for Healthcare Supply, the figure of 2% less full hospital beds than in 2019.

Recalling the series of very different percentages on these closures, the authors of the report deplore a “failure to measure and monitor capacity reductions and staff shortages” on the part of the State, considering that the situation did not “little evolved” since the finding of the Court of Auditors in 2006. “The Ministry of Health does not have reliable information on the number and distribution of hospital staff. The resulting opacity, combined with the lack of knowledge of medical working time, does not allow knowledge of the supply of care that is sufficiently precise to guide decisions.wrote the institution of rue Cambon.

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