Anne Hidalgo calls on socialist voters not to “raze the walls”

by time news

Ten days before the first round of the presidential election, socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo on Thursday called on voters and socialist activists to “don’t shave the walls” during the ballot and “to be proud” of the great social conquests of their party, during a trip to Liévin (Pas-de-Calais).

“I ask the socialists, insets or heart, not to shave the walls, not to bow their heads and to be proud”car “If we hadn’t been there, this country wouldn’t have been the same”, insisted the PS candidate. Struggling in the polls, the mayor of Paris refuses to make any conclusions in anticipation and believes that the games are not yet done.

“Many of our fellow citizens do not know if they will vote, do not yet know who to vote for, or even when they know, say they can still change their minds”she argued, in front of several dozen inhabitants of the mining basin.

Promote the party’s historical map

In an attempt to galvanize an electorate long won over to his party, Mme Hidalgo notably denounced the ” inequality [socio-économiques] which are hollowed out » in France and “retirement at age 65” defended by candidate president Emmanuel Macron, who “wants to work even more hard on those who are already drooling over it”. The candidate defends, for her part, maintaining the retirement age at 62 years.

Read also: Anne Hidalgo’s program for the 2022 presidential election

Accompanied by the socialist mayor of Liévin, Laurent Duporge, the socialist paid tribute to the ” miners “ex-miners of the basin, by meditating in front of the stele which commemorates the 42 victims of the gas explosion of December 27, 1974, as Emmanuel Macron had done in February, and before him François Mitterrand in 1994.

“You are the heiress of social combat” from the left, assured him the city councilor, citing the various fights of the great socialist figures from Jean Jaurès and Léon Blum to François Mitterrand and Lionel Jospin.

Fragments of France: Article reserved for our subscribers At the PS of Arras, former bastion of triumphant socialism: “We argued and then we went to have a drink”

In the morning, Anne Hidalgo went to Boulogne-sur-Mer to meet fishing professionals and support this industry. ” changing “touched by “the climate crisis, the Brexit crisis and now the war in Ukraine, which has raised fuel prices”accompanied in particular by the mayor of Boulogne and former socialist minister Frédéric Cuvillier and senator Patrick Kanner.

“The red thread of today is the France of the workers, those who have more to hope for from the left than from the right”explained the latter. “The left is still there, very present in the territories, it is in the hearts of the French. She’s not in her best shape, that’s clear, (…)but she is there”insisted Anne Hidalgo.

A few days ago, the former head of the socialist state François Hollande himself already projected himself into the post-presidential period, calling for the refoundation of the socialist current in France.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers François Hollande supports Anne Hidalgo and positions himself for the post-presidential election 2022

The candidate will travel to Loire-Atlantique on Friday alongside former Socialist Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. In a press release on Thursday, the former first secretary of the PS Jean-Christophe Cambadélis pleaded in favor of the program of the candidate, who is, according to him, “by far the most balanced, the most solid and the most social. She embodies in the moment that our country is going through a responsible, protective left, pledge of a new future..

The World with AFP

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