It left my Kiki !

by time news

EDITO – Yes, that’s it. Hay, sweet talk and pixie dust, it’s time for their lures.

Final stretch of the presidential campaign obliges: I’m going to bring you back here to the false truths and real lies that the twelve candidates in the running are going to tell us, “the twelve bastards”, as a comedian I met yesterday affectionately nicknamed them, from in a certain way, by chance of a metro breakdown, on a cold Parisian day.

Referencing his cult movie, this Charles Bronson fan sold me this spade as a teasing tribute to these ladies and gentlemen. In this major work of the 7th art, he made a point of specifying, only his idol comes out of it among the twelve psychopaths condemned to death (or life imprisonment) who were offered a suicide mission in exchange for an amnesty. . Hence the reference to this film. The guy knows it.

As required by journalistic duty, I therefore conducted my little investigation with him. Here is what results from my investigations.

Our comedian does not ask many questions. The only thing that matters to him: knowing where he can spend the night. He is more of a go-getter type, even if it is sometimes in the wall. A trait that is more about a taste for challenge than masochism. Affirming loud and clear his irrepressible need to feel unshakable, of everything, he has nothing to shake. For my part, I am certain that this is provocative.

If at the moment he is very little known to the general public, he is eminently known to the public prosecutor. He distinguished himself by being involved in ultra-media trials, litigation in which he and his partner in court trousers (Alfredo X.) had not left in any way. That’s why, logically, he had nothing to shake.

This comedian with an extraordinary character is Coluche.

Forgive me, this is more of the low-end Raymond Devos than the great Michel Colucci. But it is the tribute that, today, I wanted to pay to one of the artists who are most missed by the French. He who will be a presidential candidate in 1981, he who will best know how to unmask the game of politics through his satirical talents, he who will offer posterity his definitions of this profession, more relevant than ever, 41 years later.

Oh that, he had the meaning of the formula, “The Fat. “By his shock formulas, he perfectly describes the immense propensity of our politicians to practice the language of wood. With amphigourism for dogma, to the question posed to them, they provide an answer that has the art of putting us to sleep:

“A politician is a guy who, when he’s finished answering your question, you don’t even remember what your question was*. »

* I allow myself to recommend this cult sketch by Bernard Mabille and Thierry Le Luron on the subject: “The Veritometer. »

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