News 24 | After returning to school in the month of Ramadan, a therapeutic nutritionist explains a good diet

by time news

Therapeutic and sports nutrition specialist Rima Salman said that with the return of studies to Ramadan after being interrupted for more than 15 years, parents should take care of healthy nutrition, especially for students in the primary and intermediate levels.

The specialist explained to anews 24 “Paying attention to the nutrition of children in the primary and middle stages is very important, because they may suffer from malnutrition and dehydration if they do not take fluids and food appropriate for their age.

She added that the breakfast should focus on eating 3-5 grains of dates or wet, water, soup and salad, while avoiding eating fried foods, noting the need for food to be full of proteins because it works to balance blood sugar faster.

She indicated that dates are quickly absorbed and give energy to the body, and water eliminates dehydration after long hours of fasting, while soup is rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats, indicating that adding avocados to salads or olive oil gives energy and satiety for a long time, especially if the meal contains fiber found in vegetables. Fruits, rice husks and wheat bread.

She said that there are children who cannot fully eat the meal during breakfast, so it must be divided into a small meal and then another meal after a short time that contains meat, chicken, shrimp, eggs or beans with cooked vegetables or pasta and rice, so that it is a complete healthy meal.

She added that mothers and fathers should ensure that children eat the Suhoor meal even if the child has gone to sleep, so he must be woken up to eat food that must contain carbohydrates and proteins, to avoid feeling tired during the school day in the morning.

She indicated the need to drink enough water throughout the day, noting that the child should take the appropriate amount of water for him based on height, size and weight, equivalent to 30 millimeters per 1 kilogram, and eat fruits instead of drinking juices or drinking only one cup, so that There is no excess of calories.

Rima stressed that male and female students should not take stimulants concentrated with caffeine, which help to generate the necessary water in the body and lead to dehydration, stressing the need to sleep for 6-7 hours, because sleeping for fewer hours affects concentration and absorption during the school day.

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