These are the symptoms of aphasia

by time news




Bruce Willis announced his retirement from the big screen due to aphasia. “Our beloved Bruce has been experiencing some health issues and was recently diagnosed with aphasiawhich is affecting his cognitive abilities,” his sister explained.

Aphasia is not a disease as such, but a symptom. It’s related to brain injuries and the causes can be diverse.

On some occasions, the language disturbance can be transient (such as patients suffering from epilepsy), others may persist while an illness lasts, such as a stroke; and others are neurodegenerative.

Among the main causes of aphasia are strokehead injury, an infection, a brain tumor, or a disease such as dementia or Parkinson.

symptoms of aphasia

The main symptoms who has aphasia may be the following:

  • speak in short or incomplete sentences
  • say meaningless sentences
  • Substitute one word or sound for another
  • Say unrecognizable words
  • Not being able to understand conversations
  • meaningless writing

The moment in which the doctor should be consulted is when they appear speech difficultiesunderstand conversations, remember words, or have trouble reading or writing.

Bruce Willis is not the only actor who has suffered from aphasia. Terry Jones of the ‘Monty Python’ and Emilia Clarke of ‘Game of Thrones’ have also suffered, as well as the Mexican writer Sergio Pitol, Cervantes Award 2005.

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