“Dr. Yong” points out that the idea of ​​”Covid 19″ changes according to the situation. severe disease decreased Vaccines do not prevent

by time news

“Dr. Yong” points out that the idea of ​​”Covid 19″ changes according to the situation. severe disease decreased Vaccines do not prevent

Date 01 Apr 2022 time 07:28

Virology experts point out that thoughts on COVID-19 change depending on the situation. Suggest to change the concept to live with this disease After the epidemic but less severe Vaccines cannot prevent infection.

On April 1, 65, Prof. Dr. Yong Phuworawan, head of the center specializing in virology Clinic, Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Post a message via Facebook stating that Covid 19 thoughts about COVID-19 change according to the situation.

It must be admitted that in the first year of 2020, the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease was severe. The mortality rate is 3 to 5 percent.

Everyone is waiting for the hope of protection with a “vaccination”.

A year later, 2021, a vaccine was available, but it was found that the vaccine would not prevent infection. Still found a lot of outbreaks. The vaccine’s effectiveness is the same as the flu vaccine. that can not eliminate or reduce the outbreak From year to year the performance varies by species.

Administering 3 doses, 4 injections, or even getting infected and still re-infected. But the severity of symptoms “decreased”

In this year 2022, the disease continues to spread greatly. less violence The mortality rate declined from a previously high 1-2% to 1-2 per thousand (0.1 – 0.2%) of the infected (including ATK), mostly in the vulnerable group, or 608 did not. Vaccinated or not fully vaccinated

In general, people who are healthy and have been vaccinated can get infected, the severity of the disease is reduced. But it can still spread disease. In normal children, the disease is less severe, with the exception of infants and children with congenital disease. In an infant if the mother was vaccinated while pregnant. Immunity is likely to be passed on to protect the baby in the first months.

We have to change the concept. in living with this disease Found infected patients around us. including close ones There are many to see In the future, passport vaccines that require 2 injections and 3 injections will be less meaningful. Investigating who has contracted the disease is difficult and now there is almost no need to ask the timeline anymore.

We should not despise people who are and must accept It is like a respiratory disease. show no disgust for the patient We must live together with this disease.

Today’s defense is to protect vulnerable groups. as well as influenza We know the flu Dangerous in high-risk groups Being in the same group as COVID-19, we give the flu vaccine. in the risk group such as the elderly Young children less than 2 years old, obese people, people with chronic medical conditions Respiratory disease, kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, patients with low immunity

Opening the country is imperative. There are 50-60 cases of infected people coming in per day, which is very few. Compared to 50,000 – 60,000 cases of the virus being detected in our country per day, the next passport vaccine is meaningless. because of vaccination can still be infected Testing for infection in travelers entering the country will only be left with ATK and will continue to check only those who have symptoms such as fever is enough.

detection of infection in the country It must be a flu. will examine only those with symptoms especially in the risk group for drug treatment

when relying on vaccines to prevent infection The next drug treatment will be meaningful and necessary. especially in fragile groups Therefore, there is a study Find more powerful pills to protect at-risk groups cause less harm

Life must go on Students need to go to school. in the next semester There is hope that the students will go to school. and various activities will be done more

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