Cold front, Loïk Le Priol presented to a judge and arm wrestling on Russian gas

by time news

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Twenty-two departments placed on snow and ice orange vigilance

Winter is back. Météo-France extended its orange snow and ice alert this Friday morning to 22 departments, in the North and Normandy, the Massif Central, the Pyrenees and the Alps, citing a “significant snowy episode”. The weather forecasting organization had already placed 11 departments in orange vigilance as of Thursday.

Loïk Le Priol was placed in detention before being presented to a judge this Friday for the assassination of Martin Aramburu

He set foot on French soil this Thursday. Nearly two weeks after the assassination of former rugby player Federico Martin Aramburu on March 19 in Paris, one of the main suspects, Loïk Le Priol, landed at Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle airport at the end of the day. . He was placed in judicial detention on his arrival from Budapest, a judicial source told AFP. The former marine commando, also a GUD activist, will be presented on Friday to an examining magistrate with a view to his indictment, then to a judge of freedoms and detention to rule on his possible placement in pre-trial detention, a specified this same source to 20 Minutes. An investigation was opened after the tragedy by the Paris prosecutor’s office for “murder” and entrusted to the criminal brigade.

Europe ordered to pay for Russian gas in rubles

Will he cut the floodgates? Moscow is threatening to cut off the gas supply to “unfriendly” countries that refuse to pay in rubles, starting on April 1. Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened those buyers with halting their supply if they don’t comply with Kremlin demands, a move intended to prop up the ruble that would mainly affect the heavily dependent European Union. “They have to open ruble accounts in Russian banks. And from these accounts they will have to pay for the gas delivered and that tomorrow [ce vendredi] “, did he declare. Germany and France are “preparing” for a potential stoppage of Russian gas imports, the Europeans refusing the payment in rubles demanded by Moscow, reacted the French Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire.

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