Those who use electronic cigarettes are more at risk of nose cancer –

by time news
Of Vera Martinella

The danger of cancer also varies based on what you smoke. Those who vape mainly exhale through the nasal cavities exposing them to greater contact with harmful substances

Tell me what and how you smoke and I’ll tell you what risks you run. The dangers deriving to health, in fact, can also vary according to the way in which tobacco is consumed and, as the results of a recent US study indicate, users of electronic cigarettes and hookahs above all endanger their upper airways. why exhale from the nose, while those who prefer traditional cigarettes make the smoke come out mainly from the mouth. What changes? For example the type of diseases they might develop, starting with cancer: cancers of the nasal cavity, sinuses and throat they are in fact more frequent in vapers than in standard smokers.

More risks for wood and leather workers

Sinus and sinus tumors are rare pathology: in Italy between 300 and 400 new cases are estimated every year. And moreover they are characterized by a rich variability of histological subtypes, which often require different treatments, targeted precisely on the basis of the single histotype – he explains Mohssen Ansarin, Director of the Head and Neck Program and Division of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan -. These factors, the rarity and the high histological variability, make them difficult to diagnose and therapeutically classify neoplasms which must be treated in specialized centers. Among the certain risk factors is exposure to wood and leather dust which can cause, especially in workers in the manufacturing sector, a particular adenocarcinoma which, to date, is the most frequent histotype in Italy and Europe, and has been recognized as occupational disease. The dangers deriving from nickel, arsenic or welding fumes and Papillomavirus (or Hpv) for the second most common form, squamous cell carcinoma. Finally, smoking, albeit to a lesser extent than in other locations (such as the mouth, larynx, lungs or vescia, for example), certainly increases the risk of developing nasal cavity tumors adds Ansarin.

Different types of cancer based on what you smoke

Several researches, including the most recent by the Grossman School of Medicine at New York University, have shown that e-cig and hookah also expose the respiratory system to high levels of nicotine, carbon monoxide and other toxic chemicals. In addition, according to the latest survey of 341 male and female smokers, vapers emit smoke more through the nose (63% of men and 50% of women) than traditional smokers (22%). Our conclusions suggest that vapers can expose the structures of the nose to much more fumes of harmful substances and this also increases the danger of cancer in this area, he says. Emma Karey, lead author of the study. A result in line, moreover, with many others who have indicated that traditional smokers are more exposed to lung cancerbecause they tend to inhale deeper and more frequently, while cigar users are more likely to a tumor of the mouth or throat given its tendency to draw smoke in a superficial way.

Beware of these alarm bells

What are the symptoms not to be overlooked for nose cancers? It is a form of cancer that unfortunately becomes symptomatic in the late stage, when the neoplasm has had the opportunity to develop leading to an obstruction of the nasal respiratory space Ansarin answers. The most common symptoms are therefore the worsening of nasal breathing in a previously asymptomatic subject, the appearance of bleeding (epistaxis), the painmostly described as a sense of weight at the maxillary or frontal level, a change in smell which can decrease (hyposmia) or disappear (anosmia) or change with the presence of bad odor (cacosmia). They are common symptoms, which we can experience during trivial colds or sinusitis, and therefore are often underestimated to the point of worsening. The alarm bell that must always lead to a more in-depth evaluation the monolaterality of these symptomshence the appearance of the disorder affecting only one of the two nasal cavities.


As always in oncology, the earlier a diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of recovery and less invasive treatment. Therapies are established on the basis of the particular histotype present in the individual patient with a view to personalized medicine. The intervention is still today the most often used and effective therapeutic weapon. guaranteeing the same results in terms of oncological radicality – concludes the expert -. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy they are instead used both as an adjuvant treatment after surgery, and as a treatment of choice for some rare neoplasms such as undifferentiated carcinoma or neuroendocrine carcinoma which often present in an advanced stage and which due to their specific biology are characterized by a good sensitivity to these therapies .

April 1, 2022 (change April 1, 2022 | 10:54)

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