You will not wear glasses anymore..a miracle drink to treat double vision permanently and improve vision by 99%

by time news
You will not wear glasses anymore..a miracle drink to treat double vision permanently and improve vision by 99% – educate me

The blessing of looking is one of the most important and greatest blessings from God Almighty, and that is why it must be preserved from any, because it is a trust from God to other servants, but it affects and weakens many things, and one of the common things is the exaggerated use of computers and mobile phones, and although they are very useful in life And help you get a lot of important information that many of us do not know, but the wrong use of it has a negative effect on the eye, and damages the eye and the cornea as well, but we will offer you a magical and effective drink to help preserve the eye and work to strengthen it, follow us The rest of the next paragraphs is to learn about the ingredients of this drink, and how to prepare it with ease.

Ingredients of a drink to eliminate visual impairment

Low vision is one of the problems that many of us suffer from, knowing that most people are afraid of performing eye-related operations, such as laser, removing cataracts from the eye, and many other operations, in addition to the fact that wearing glasses is not the best solution for clear vision, Knowing that wearing it hinders a person from many important things, but if you are at the beginning of the road to poor eyesight, you should drink such a drink that we will present to you now:

the components:

  • Two cups of water.
  • One and a half cups of carrot juice.
  • A spoonful of white honey or a spoonful of fine sugar.
  • Half a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • A bundle of celery.

How to prepare strong carrot juice

Before starting a method of explaining the method of preparation, there is a simple note that you should know, which is, before looking for a way to treat the problem of poor vision, we must refrain from the things that lead us to this way, such as, staying away from watching TV, not using the phone for a long time, And other reasons mentioned in the previous paragraphs:

How to prepare:

  • Celery should be washed with clean water well.
  • We chop it in a blender with a little water.
  • Put the carrot juice in the blender with the celery.
  • It can be sweetened with honey or sugar, or dispensed with completely.
  • The drink can be taken in the morning and evening.

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