Civil service and institutions: the programs of the 2022 presidential candidates

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Six weeks before the first round, the government of Jean Castex announced the thawing of the index point “before the summer”, a measure demanded for a long time by the unions, experienced as an electoral measure by the opponents of Emmanuel Macron . It affects the 5.7 million public officials (as of December 31, 2020) employed by the State or local authorities. The variety of professions and missions is immense. List of proposals, in alphabetical order of candidates.

Nathalie Arthaud’s proposals

  • Introduce integral proportional
  • Reopen closed public services
  • Granting the right to vote to foreigners

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s proposals

  • Introduce the citizens’ initiative referendum
  • Elect one in five MPs proportionally
  • Recognize the blank vote
  • Abolish regional councils and intermunicipalities
  • Create itinerant public services in rural areas
  • Restore the seven-year term with a mid-term revocation clause

Anne Hidalgo’s proposals

  • Make the referendum the “normal mode” of participation
  • Elect some of the deputies by proportional representation
  • Raise the voting age to 16
  • Give more power to Parliament
  • Giving a “permit to do” to local authorities
  • Grant legislative autonomy to Corsica
  • Recruit magistrates and clerks
  • Include in the Constitution the protection of biodiversity, the obligation to fight against global warming
  • Raise teachers’ salaries to the level of executives starting with increasing the salary at the start of their career

Yannick Jadot’s proposals

  • Establish full proportional representation in the National Assembly
  • Raise the voting age to 16
  • Reinstate the seven-year term for the President of the Republic
  • Introduce the citizens’ initiative referendum
  • Recruit 75,000 teachers
  • Merge the Senate and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council
  • Grant autonomy to Corsica

Jean Lassalle’s proposals

  • Introduce the citizens’ initiative referendum
  • Recognize the blank vote
  • Strengthen the powers of municipalities
  • Remove the Court of Justice of the Republic
  • Consult voters by referendum on the length of the presidential term (five or seven years)

Marine Le Pen’s proposals

Emmanuel Macron’s proposals

  • Establish a “permanent” debate with citizens
  • Introduce a dose of proportionality in the elections
  • Create a “territorial adviser”, who will sit on both the regional council and the departmental council
  • Strengthen the network of sub-prefectures
  • Continue the development of “France services” houses
  • Train and hire 8,500 magistrates

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposals

  • Introduce the citizens’ initiative referendum
  • Allow the revocation of elected officials by referendum
  • Introduce compulsory voting, from the age of 16
  • Granting the right to vote to foreigners in local elections
  • Establish a departmental proportional ballot for the legislative elections
  • Raising the salary of teachers
  • Revise the Constitution to add the right to die with dignity, with assistance, a “green” rule which will prohibit the taking of more resources than nature can provide, its counterpart for water, through the ” blue »
  • Establish a nine-month citizen service for young people under 25, with military and health training
  • Renationalise SNCF, motorways and airports
  • Establish all public service contract workers, hire 130,000 people

Valérie Pécresse’s proposals

  • Limit the legislative powers of Parliament and the government
  • Increase the powers of mayors, in particular through municipal police
  • Revitalize teacher careers, regionalize recruitment and career management for young teachers
  • Reinforce lessons in the history of France and its republican principles at school
  • Replace two out of three retirees
  • Grant 9 billion for the courts
  • Create 10,000 additional jobs in National Education

Philippe Poutou’s proposals

  • Granting the right to vote to foreigners
  • Allow the self-determination of Corsica

Fabien Roussel’s proposals

  • Establish full proportional representation in the National Assembly
  • Repeal the election of the President of the Republic by universal suffrage
  • Granting the right to vote to foreigners in local and European elections
  • Introduce the citizens’ initiative referendum
  • Increase the National Education budget by 45%

Eric Zemmour’s proposals

  • Consult voters by referendum for essential measures
  • Strengthen the powers of municipalities
  • Authorize again the accumulation of the mandates of mayor and deputy
  • Recruit 3,000 magistrates and 3,000 clerks
  • Relaunch the higher normal schools

Methodology: for each of your answers, our simulator gives you more or less points compared to each candidate. At the end of the questionnaire, we offer you a list of candidates, starting with the one with whom you have the most points of agreement on all the questions asked. This “ranking” is obviously to be taken as an indication, given that it is not exhaustive, even if we have ensured the variety of questions. To give you a definitive opinion, we invite you in particular to consult all the programs of the candidates. You can find them here or on official sites.

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