Ecology: the programs of the 2022 presidential candidates

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Storm Harvey in the United States in 2017, the Amazon on fire in 2019, Australia trapped by flames in 2020… The years of the presidential mandate which are coming to an end in France have all been marked by revealing signs of a beleaguered climate. And the IPCC report, the second part of which published in February reports 3.3 billion people “very vulnerable” to climate change and its “irreversible” impacts, obliges political actors to deal, out of conviction or necessity, of these themes.

The presidential candidates know it: they cannot depart from the theme of the century. Le Parisien has listed their proposals in this area for you.

Nathalie Arthaud’s proposals

  • Prohibit hunting with hounds
  • End intensive farming and slaughter
  • Engage in a concerted policy on a planetary scale

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s proposals

  • Invest 3 billion euros in a major home insulation program by doubling the thermal insulation effort targeted for 2022
  • Launch a major plan to fight against plastic pollution of the oceans
  • Totally renationalize EDF and maintain nuclear at 70% of minimum electricity production
  • Create a national fund to help animal protection associations and support the holding of the Referendum for Animals
  • Stop installing wind turbines
  • Multiply the resources devoted to thermal insulation by six
  • Establish a bonus-malus favorable to electric vehicles

Anne Hidalgo’s proposals

  • Deploy one million terminals to charge electric vehicles, primarily in rural areas
  • Provide individuals with electric cars for hire at a monthly cost lower than the cost of a gasoline-powered vehicle
  • Create a zero interest loan for sustainable mobility
  • Reduce VAT for train travel
  • Taxing air journeys for which a rail alternative exists
  • Include in the Constitution the protection of biodiversity, the obligation to fight against global warming and the principle of non-regression in terms of environmental protection
  • Appoint number two of the government a Minister of Climate, Biodiversity and the Economy
  • Ban neonicotinoids from the first 100 days of the five-year term
  • Create a “Solidarity Tax on Climate and Biodiversity Wealth” and overtax investments in fossil fuels
  • Regulate rents according to the energy performance of the housing occupied
  • Achieving 100% renewable energy, using nuclear power during the transition period but without building EPRs or modular reactors
  • Halve CO2 emissions from the industrial sector
  • Launch the “animal welfare meeting”
  • Introduce a bonus for renovating housing
  • Ban neonicotinoids
  • Recognize the crime of ecocide
  • Create a post of Defender of the Environment, in the same way as that of Defender of Rights
  • Expand the European Just Transition Fund
  • Support the creation of an International Criminal Court for the Environment

Yannick Jadot’s proposals

  • Achieve 40% protected areas on land, prohibit mining exploration of the seabed, sanctuary 30% of marine areas and 10% of forests by leaving them to evolve freely
  • Prohibit clear cutting in old growth forests
  • Stop the artificialization of soils
  • Prohibit hunting with hounds and hunting during weekends, public holidays and school holidays
  • Remove fences around forests
  • Recover 65% of organic waste by 2025
  • Ban single-use plastic by 2030
  • Consign glass from 2025
  • Set a target of 50% bulk sales in supermarkets by 2030
  • Nationalize EDF and renegotiate the rules of the European market
  • Deploy 3,000 onshore wind turbines and 340 km2 of additional solar panels before 2027. Produce 32 TWh of biogas, thanks to the development of small methanizers
  • Implement “social energy pricing” aimed at offering the first KWh to the poorest. 6 million of them will receive an energy check of €400
  • Shut down 10 nuclear reactors by 2035, phase out nuclear power
  • Create a ministry dedicated to animal welfare and recognize the fundamental rights of animals
  • Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Develop wind turbines and photovoltaics
  • Investing 10 billion euros per year for the renovation of buildings and public services
  • Ban neonicotinoids and glyphosate
  • Recognize the crime of “ecocide”
  • Prohibit the sale of new vehicles with fossil fuel from 2030
  • Strengthen marine protected areas
  • Create a climate ISF and lower VAT on ecological products and services

Jean Lassalle’s proposals

  • Relaunch research, adopt and develop solar and sea energy
  • Defend hunting and fishing
  • Stop wind power
  • Freeing yourself from European directives relating to the conservation of nature

Marine Le Pen’s proposals

  • Stop wind projects, gradually dismantle existing parks and end subsidies to the wind power sector
  • Reviving the nuclear and hydroelectric sector
  • Invest in hydrogen
  • Leaving the European electricity market
  • Subsidize the replacement of oil-fired boilers
  • Do not ban hunting

Emmanuel Macron’s proposals

  • Build fifty offshore wind farms by 2050
  • Multiply our “solar power” by 10
  • Investing in green hydrogen, electric and hybrid vehicles, and the first low-carbon aircraft
  • Carbon tax at Europe’s borders to avoid unfair competition.
  • Plant 140 million trees
  • Make the remuneration of the managers of large companies obligatorily dependent on compliance with the company’s environmental and social objectives.
  • Clean up old landfills.
  • Massively reduce waste exports, by developing French industrial recycling channels.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposals

  • Investing 200 billion euros for the ecological transition
  • Inscribe in the Constitution a “green” rule which would prohibit the withdrawal of more resources than nature is capable of replenishing and a “blue” rule following the same principle for water withdrawals
  • Prohibit clear cuts of trees “except in the event of a health impasse”
  • Leave 25% of the surface of the French forest without human intervention
  • Protect 30% of French maritime territory
  • Make the Overseas Territories pilot territories for ecological planning and short circuits
  • Set a national target of a 65% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and publish an annual report
  • Oblige companies to implement carbon accounting tracing all their emissions, direct and indirect
  • Create an Ecological Planning Council
  • Launch major ecological projects that provide jobs: clean up the oceans and seas, renovate water and rail networks, modernize high-voltage lines
  • Create a public repair and reuse service
  • Ban single-use plastics “immediately”
  • Replace the instruction on the glass
  • Mandate recycling, composting or incineration where possible
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65% ​​by 2030
  • Ban intensive factory farming, hunting and cruel practices on animals
  • Maintain offshore wind projects
  • Launch an energy renovation plan and fight against substandard housing
  • Ban the most dangerous pesticides
  • Promote an international law of marine biodiversity
  • Reduce the use of private cars

Valérie Pécresse’s proposals

  • Commit to a 0 plastic objective by signing an agreement with Mediterranean countries on the subject of plastic pollution at sea
  • Provide zones where the installation of wind turbines is prohibited
  • Put 10% of the maritime territory under strong protection
  • Prohibit the sale of new thermal-only vehicles from 2035, prohibit the sale of hybrids in 2040 and develop French production of electric vehicles
  • Reinvest in existing nuclear power plants, launch six new EPRs, restart the Astrid 4th generation reactor project
  • Develop all renewable energies and the means to store them
  • Develop financial incentives rather than taxes to decarbonize household consumption
  • Create a green booklet by merging the booklet A with the sustainable development book to finance the ecological transition
  • Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Allow residents to refuse wind projects
  • Refuse the pesticide-free strategy
  • Decarbonizing public and individual transport

Philippe Poutou’s proposals

  • Create public energy services by nationalizing EDF, Engie, Veolia and Total
  • Stop nuclear power in ten years

Fabien Roussel’s proposals

  • Orient energy policy towards a 100% public and 100% carbon-free mix
  • Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Build 8 EPRs and relaunch the ASTRID project
  • Establish a moratorium on the closures of the 14 reactors planned by 2035
  • Propose a global treaty to protect the seabed
  • Create new nature reserves by reaching 30% protected areas on land and at sea
  • Develop rail and river freight, in particular via a plan for the industrial reconquest of the rail sector
  • Challenging free trade agreements by heavily taxing imports of food products that do not meet the same health and environmental standards as those required of French producers
  • Remove anti-ecological tax loopholes
  • Exclude the most polluting companies from public procurement
  • Define a plan to fight against plastic pollution aimed at reducing the use of plastic and promoting recycling
  • Prevent the development of factory farms
  • Legislate to require energy renovation by 2040
  • Create a European agency for the approval of natural alternatives to pesticides and insecticides and get out of the use of chemicals
  • Support the moratorium of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in Marseille, on the exploitation of the seabed
  • Offer a conversion bonus of 10,000 euros for a “clean” car
  • Maintain hunting license.

Eric Zemmour’s proposals

  • Prohibit any new wind turbine construction project, on land or at sea
  • Increase penalties for illegal dumping
  • Ban exports of raw wood
  • Put an end to thermal colanders
  • Robotize to limit pesticides and the use of foreign labor
  • Develop an industrial sector to better recycle plastics
  • Sanctuarize the practice of hunting

Methodology: for each of your answers, our simulator gives you more or less points compared to each candidate. At the end of the questionnaire, we offer you a list of candidates, starting with the one with whom you have the most points of agreement on all the questions asked. This “ranking” is obviously to be taken as an indication, given that it is not exhaustive, even if we have ensured the variety of questions. To give you a definitive opinion, we invite you in particular to consult all the programs of the candidates. You can find them here or on official sites.

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