Shabbat entry and exit times – Parshat Tazria

by time news

Parashat Tazria is the fourth Parashat Hashavua in the Book of Leviticus. According to the division into chapters, it begins in chapter twelve, verse one and ends in chapter thirteen, verse nineteen. In the non-leap years, the Parshat Tazria is read together with the Parsha that follows, the Parshat Mitzora, near Rosh Chodesh Iyar. In leap years she is called alone. In the leap years of the Sagag, Ha, Bashaz and Gachz types, the Parshas Tazria is read with the Parshas HaHodesh. (Wikipedia).

Shabbat entry:
Jerusalem: 18:23
Beitar Illit: 18:33
Netanya: 18:30
Elad: 18:29
Petah Tikva: 18:19
Haifa: 18:32
Tel Aviv: 18:39
Beer Sheva: 18:40
Eilat: 18:28

Shabbat departure:
Jerusalem: 19:35
Beitar Illit: 19:36
Netanya and Elad: 19:37
Petah Tikva: 19:37
Haifa: 19:37
Tel Aviv: 19:37
Beer Sheva: 19:36
Eilat: 19:34
Rabbeinu Tam: 20:15

(Shabbat entry and exit times courtesy of Yeshiva website)

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