Jungle Japanese – Vedomosti

by time news

The man whom the whole world called and knew simply by name was born in a Japanese village in the province of Hyogo in 1939. This did not prevent him from becoming one of the leading French couturiers, although Takada’s parents wanted him to study literature. The young man did not argue with his parents, but after studying for a semester, he left everything and entered the Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo, becoming, by the way, the first young man studying at this educational institution. In the future, the epithet “first” will often accompany Kenzo in his creative biography.

In 1965, Kenzo leaves to try his luck in France – to become the first Japanese designer to succeed in the West and conquer the world of French fashion. He did not save money for this great sea voyage from Asia to Europe, and he hardly planned it at all. Fate intervened: in preparation for the first Asian Olympics, which took place in Tokyo in 1964, the house in which Kenzo lived was demolished, and the young man decided to spend the compensation paid on travel, in search of a new life.

Kenzo arrived by ship in Marseille, having spent more than a month on the road. And from there he immediately hurried to Paris. But the city at first seemed to him inhospitable and gloomy. Takada liked only the Parisian flower shops – and subsequently it was the floral print that would become a landmark for Kenzo.

The capital of world fashion treated the Japanese favorably: just five years later, in 1970, Takada opened his first clothing store in Paris called Jungle Jap – “Japanese from the jungle” (jap – “Japanese”, Takada received such a nickname in the capital of the world fashion). However, the language does not turn to call that institution a shop: Kenzo simply bought an old abandoned shop and repainted the walls in bright colors in the style of tropical thickets by Henri Rousseau. It is noteworthy that Jungle Jap was originally called not only a store located away from the respectable boutiques of French couturiers, but also the brand itself, created by Takada. He will name the brand after himself only in 1976. However, the jungle theme will forever remain one of Kenzo’s calling cards from now on and will be especially popular after 2012, when the collection of sweatshirts with the image of a tiger will be released.

To penetrate the world of high fashion, Kenzo came up with a smart, seemingly obvious move that immediately provided him with recognition and fame. Having opened the store, he presented to the sophisticated Parisian public a dress made from the fabric of an everyday kimono. Traditional folk costumes, “read” in a European way, interest in ethnicity in general, various patterns, free deconstructed cut – everything that Kenzo Takada offered to Paris turned out to be in the 70s. defining for fashion, and not only for pret-a-porter, but also for haute couture.

As expected, fashion alone did not calm the heart – it was Kenzo Takada who was one of the first to turn shows into spectacular shows. Suffice it to recall how in the late 70s he arranged shows in the circus and personally rode around the arena on an elephant. Takada did not limit himself in business either: he built a real fashion empire – with a perfume line, with household goods, men’s and children’s clothing.

In 1993, the Kenzo brand was bought by the French concern LVMH. And in 1999, Kenzo Takada left the fashion house. And at the same time, he was the first among fashion designers to be awarded the American Time for Peace Award “For a cosmopolitan career and a style that absorbed the echoes of various cultures and traditions.” The parting was not the easiest, but, as a true son of his country, Kenzo was above rumors and speculation. He simply registered several new brands, founding Yume, Gokan Kobo, Takada.

This year, Kenzo Takada introduced his new brainchild to the world – the K3 furniture brand. There were still many plans, discoveries and ideas ahead that he was ready to give to the world. Did not work out. The coronavirus has gotten stronger. The master is gone. But the memory of him remains. And his creations are as airy and light as he is.

“You have to be curious and do only what you like, even if it does not bring money,” he said in one of his interviews. “You have to work hard and share a lot. And make more holidays for yourself. Go to where the blue sky, golden sand and hot sun. And then come back and start all over again.”

Let’s assume that Kenzo Takada just left. And somewhere out there, very far away, everything starts from scratch.

Farewell maestro!

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